why are you bulking? what are your goals?

SonyaCele Posts: 2,841 Member
So just why are you ladies all bulking? its not really considered "ladylike" so its an interesting choice of things for a girl to do. all the other women are out there trying to lose weight and get all skinny,and we're trying to gain mass. What made you decide to bulk and how far will you go?

I'm bulking cause i think its awesome! i like the feeling of being strong, and not struggling to lift a simple object. I also looooove the actually lifitng days at the gym and the endorphin rush, thats probably what got me hooked in the first place was the whole gym workout experience. I love how it is shaping my body from saggy and skinny to curvy and shaply solid and structurally sound. I feel so much more healthy all around physuically and mentally. My ultimate goal will be to do power lifting competitions , i'm 46 so its gonna take me a bit longer than some of the youngsters to get my weights up, but im working on it, slowly but surely. I've always been competietive so it just seems like the natural goal for me.
One of my favorite things now is that my triceps fill up my saggy arms and i no longer have flaps of skin that wave in the wind!!! i'm just waiting for my glutes to fill up the skin back there lol!


  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    Because I want a rockin' muscular body like Christmas Abbott (she's 5'4" and 125 lbs; I'm 5'6" and 122 lbs...I need to gain some mass if I want that *kitten*).

    When I was younger (even two years ago) I wanted to be thin. I don't want to be thin anymore, I want to be athletic. I want to look like a chick that you don't mess with.
  • SonyaCele
    SonyaCele Posts: 2,841 Member
    oh she looks good, i just googled her! my idol is Dana Linn bailey, i'd love to have scary arms and shoulders like her !
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    oh she looks good, i just googled her! my idol is Dana Linn bailey, i'd love to have scary arms and shoulders like her !

    Wowza! Good luck! I don't need that much, but that's seriously badass!
  • yogaga1
    yogaga1 Posts: 182 Member
    Millions of reasons I am bulking! The top 5 in no specific order being...

    1. After I dieted down to my goal weight, I realized that all the running & yoga I was doing didn't really build a solid muscular foundation, so I looked like a lollipop at goal weight!

    2. I want my inside to match my outside! Although I might look sweet, I'm a tough broad at heart :drinker: Always interested in what the boys were setting on fire instead of what the girls were doing with their barbies. I'd like to be strong enough to back up my mouth. :D

    3. My Husband lifts with me on MW&F's and we always treat ourselves to steak & beer after our Friday lifts. He looooves that I can polish off dessert with him after steak now that I have some extra calories to play with! Even though (bless his heart) he is still somewhat wrapped up in bro-science from his college lifting days, he came around pretty quick to a woman purposely bulking and has been my biggest supporter!

    4. My DS thinks it's the coolest thing ever that Mommy can bench press him, or carry all the groceries in on one trip, or open the jar of pickles without assistance. :laugh: I would like to continue to blow his little mind for as long as possible.

    5. FOOOOOOD. I love eating. I would do it all day if I could. Extra calories? SIGN ME UP!
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    I could write a novel but I will keep it as short as possible. Basically I love muscle and always have. I went from 98lbs and a diet pill addiction in highschool to learning to lift, build muscle up to where I weighed 140lbs and stepped on stage in a figure competition at 23 yo. 10 yrs later, after a break and a weight gain from infertility drugs I found that passion again. Lifting is something I'm good at, it's something that gives me tremendous confidence in myself and a sense of pride. I use to suffer from horrible self esteem and no confidence in my ability to accomplish things and it maybe corny but lifting changed all that for me. I put on a good amount of size in the last year, I went from 112lbs to 124lbs; but after watching my husband in his first bodybuilding show it left me wanting so much more. I'm seriously considering getting on stage again but I want more size first. It may not be everyone's cup of tea but being built strong and muscular is what makes me feel beautiful. Being strong as hell makes me feel like I can take on the world. Sharing this passion with my husband, well that's just icing on the cake. Which leads me to cake. More muscle means higher metabolism, which means more food! ;) In all honesty though, even if I decide not to compete this coming year this is just something I do to always better myself. Marathoners run, I lift and eat to grow big to lift bigger and better. No difference.

    FYI This girl below is my inspiration right now! FWIW she weighs around 112-115lb, can squat 185lbs for reps, not a 1RM, shoulder press 50lb DBS like its a 5lb DB, row 80lb DB and pullup like she's done it for years. Built and strong, hard combo to find sometimes in competitors.

  • sarahstrezo
    sarahstrezo Posts: 568 Member
    I love how muscle looks on a woman. I feel strong and sexy the more muscle I have. Plus....i love to push/pull heavy weight. And, I know to increase my lifts, I need more muscle mass. I have never loved any physical activity like I love heavy lifting. It has changed so many things in my life for the positive.
    This is my first official bulk, so I don't have specific goals or expectations really. I'd like to bulk for the next 6 months and, in that time, I hope I put on at least 10, if not 14lbs in that time.
  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member
    1. I like food.

    2. I was always really tiny (103lbs when I left for Basic Training). I was able to put weight on (unintentional bulk) during Basic Training (135lbs, but lost a lot of mass when I got back to school) and then tried really hard to put some more weight on in police academy (120lbs). I put on some wrong weight (about 20lbs - got up to 140lbs) a few years ago by eating too much and not moving enough. I cardioed my butt off and did the 1200 calorie diet thing and lost about 15lbs. Still looked too fluffy - found weights. Which brings me back to #1.

    3. I work in a job where it would be highly beneficial to be strong(er). Physical training (should be for all) is a must for me. I don't want to be "that guy/girl" who has been on the job and looks like they will kill over if things ever got physical.

    4. I just prefer the aesthetics of well developed muscles on people. We were made to move around and its only natural to have bodies to reflect that.

    5. Eating more = more muscles = lifting more weight. Win-win.
  • SonyaCele
    SonyaCele Posts: 2,841 Member
    omg i love you guys i mean girls. This might be the best group of women i've ever been around in my whole life.
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    1. I used to be fat. After getting off the cardio and switching to weights this year, my body changed, big time. I was lean for the first time in my life. I had MUSCLES. Actual, visible, muscles. I like them. A lot. I like how they look. I like how they make me feel about my body, I like how they make my shirts fit, I like how they jive better with my identity than when I was "softer". They make me feel awesome and badass and powerful. So, I'm bulking because I want to make them bigger so there's more to love. :love:

    2. I used to blanch at the thought of lifting more than a 15 lb dumbbell. I used to think I didn't have it in me to be really strong. I was wrong. I CAN lift heavy things. like feeling strong, I like the fact that I can now do pull-ups/chin-ups (!!!). I like that everyday physical activities feel so much easier. I like how my progressive program constantly challenges me to do more weight, more reps. It's a competition with myself. So, I'm bulking because I want to get even stronger.

    3. I love food. BOY DO I LOVE FOOD. So, I'm bulking because I can eat all the things.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Personally, I see many older age limitations related to lost of muscle mass, so I want to have more to be strong and independent longer.

    I love the look of a muscular body......I want that aesthetic for myself.

    I want to show my kids what a strong able woman is.

    I am very short, it mean a TDEE of 1500 if I am sedentary with low lean mass.......that is insanely low and I like food.

    Also, I hate being average ;)
  • westcoastgrl21
    westcoastgrl21 Posts: 172 Member
    I honestly just love the way muscle looks on a woman! I want more!!

    also, I like being different from (most) other women. My favorite compliment is when the big guys at the gym tell me I'm not "one of those girls" LOL I certainly don't want to be "one of the guys", I still like girly things and spending time with women...but I want to be able to hang if **** goes down. Kind of an independence thing, I guess.
  • westcoastgrl21
    westcoastgrl21 Posts: 172 Member
    OH- and as far as "how far I'll take it?", well I think my ideal for my own body is more muscle mass than the pro bikini competitors, but less than the pro figure ladies. I see a lot of amateur figure competitors who have what I'd consider and ideal amount of lean mass. For me, that will probably take another 10 lbs of lean mass on the frame I have currently. Shoulders, lats and glutes, ohmy!
  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
    I lost weight, got down to a BF level I felt comfortable with but felt too scrawny at that level. Hence the need of me building some muscle. Besides, I really dig being/becoming strong.
  • Barbellgirl
    Barbellgirl Posts: 544 Member
    I lost weight, got down to a BF level I felt comfortable with but felt too scrawny at that level. Hence the need of me building some muscle. Besides, I really dig being/becoming strong.

    Pretty much this. :wink:
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    I'm bulking because I pinned myself under the bar twice while benching and once while squatting. The squat incident was downright scary. I felt like I was losing strength every time I lifted, and my running was suffering too. Most importantly, the scale was telling me that I was starting to lose lean mass. I'm not nearly as lean as a lot of you ladies, but my body was clearly saying Enough.

    I want more strength, so I switched from a quarter-pound-a-week deficit to a quarter-pound-a-week surplus. That was all of a week ago, but I noticed a difference immediately and I'm totally in love with the strength gains. I still have fat to lose, but I want those strength gains. So for now I'm eating more, or at least running less -- and doing my full-body barbell workout three times a week instead of two.
  • I started flabby and unhealthy here. I lost weight and I didn't do it by starving. I ate a decent amount and started running and then adding strength. I always said I wanted to be fit, not skinny. I dropped to my lowest weight around Dec though mostly because I was becoming a cardio junky, that's when realized I wanted to get serious with gaining muscle. I did put on 7 lbs not really trying to bulk, just upping my calories a little and lifting more seriously. Then I decided to just maintain, but I began running a lot more again as I was training for some intense trail runs and a marathon + lifting. You guessed it, I didn't really up my calories enough! I didn't lose too much muscle mass (surprisingly and don't ask me how I managed that) but I certainly felt like I wasn't progressing. So in the last 3 weeks I have upped calories by 200, dropped running to 2 days a week (I'm sorry but I refuse to totally give it up as it is my happy place), and have gotten serious about lifting again. I hope I can learn from all you awesome ladies in the process!

    Oh as a side note, I need to update my profile with some current pictures, I do have a bit more definition and weight than I do in most of them (they are all from Dec when I was at the lower weight).
  • Because I want a rockin' muscular body like Christmas Abbott (she's 5'4" and 125 lbs; I'm 5'6" and 122 lbs...I need to gain some mass if I want that *kitten*).

    I love Christmas Abbott, I just posted an article about her on my Facebook this week!

  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    Because I want a rockin' muscular body like Christmas Abbott (she's 5'4" and 125 lbs; I'm 5'6" and 122 lbs...I need to gain some mass if I want that *kitten*).

    I love Christmas Abbott, I just posted an article about her on my Facebook this week!


    Welcome, and thanks! Gonna check out that link now :love:
  • sunflowerhippi
    sunflowerhippi Posts: 1,099 Member
    I am a bit funky here but I wanted to bulk to get my upper body to be stronger and build muscle. I am very pear shaped, very wide hip bones and since my boobs ain't big enough I wanted to try my best to bulk up my upper body to give the apperence of a more hourglass body type. I since I can already squat what I weight and leg press double me I don't think my lower body needs any help lol.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    I am a bit funky here but I wanted to bulk to get my upper body to be stronger and build muscle. I am very pear shaped, very wide hip bones and since my boobs ain't big enough I wanted to try my best to bulk up my upper body to give the apperence of a more hourglass body type. I since I can already squat what I weight and leg press double me I don't think my lower body needs any help lol.

    Don't neglect your lower body though. Impressive numbers but now work your way up to 1.5xBW etc.