Green Team-Week 1



  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    Good Morning Ladies:
    Just to let you know we lost one team member, she decided to drop, I believe that we will get penalized this week and next by 1 pound, but did let the moderator know and sent copy of the email.
    With that said, please ladies never feel bad if you have a bad week , we are all going to have them. We will just have to get around them and move on. No one is going to get upset and you are not letting anyone down, we are all on this journey together and we can't support you if we don't know what is going on. This is what this group is for. I also know that not everyone will complete all the challenges, that is ok, just attempt them, we all have our limitations.
    This team rocked this week and I hope that we have another great week. Keep up the great work ladies!!
