Heart Help!

I KNOW I need t0 see a doctor to get "professional" advice on this but I'm 5 weeks PP and SO ready to go exercise! I've been pregnant for YEARS it seems like having two babies back-to-back. BUT, I have an issue here- my heart rate has always been high, and until I got pregnant I didn't need to workout to lose weight- I was just petite. Now, I'm bigger and have been (aside form daily duties as mom and housewife and the occasional walk) almost totally sedentary. My heart rate is, on average, 99-130 resting. I do have some issues with anxiety(but currently taking Prozac for it), but I don't think that's it. I get REALLY worn out from what should be really simple 'exercise'. My heart hurts like it's going to explode, my hands get tingly and I get completely out of breath from things like, jogging down the hall, or walking up stairs...what is a good way to start off slowly but still have an effect on my weight loss?


  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    Do you have asthma? I have asthma & allergies & feel that way if I go running outside. My daughter has a heart condition & cannot run around for long periods of time & has to rest once she feels winded.

    I suggest Yoga. Jillian Michaels Yoga Meltdown is a great burn for beginners without making you feel too winded. Also look up FitnessBlender.com & do level 1 exercises.