Differing Perceptions, or KUDOS at the right time

dward59 Posts: 731 Member
In the Milestones thread Russ (canuname) and I got into a bit of a mutual admiration match. Not intended, but it did make me start thinking and, while that is always dangerous, it is sometimes a good thing! :tongue:

I've been really down lately for all the reasons I've posted lately and won't bring up again. While being down, my WL has slowed; seriously slowed. Russ' comment on my food choices has helped pull me back in line, at least for now. (Being back at work starting today should help tremendously as well, but that's a personal fight!) My open Diary gives him something to shoot for, while I think he is one of our exercise kings for the swimming he does.

Now personally, I have so many body issues I can't imagine getting a public pool, and that would be my only swimming option. The pool my wife goes too doesn't allow t-shirts to be worn in the pool and I'm just too self conscious to consider going in the water without as much covering as possible. He can do this without blinking, however he says that the gym causes him problems. I've been using gyms so long now that I can't recall ever being so self conscious that I'd talk myself out of it. When I'm in the gym, I'm working on me and could not care less what others think of me. I go into my own little world and nobody pops my bubble while I'm in the workout zone. I figure if anyone has been watching me there for any time, they will have seen some weight loss, increased speed and stamina on the treadmill and continued work on the weight machines. I will admit, I'm a bit self conscious about the free weights, but I've even worked there and "shared" stations.

Where am I going with this you ask? Well, an excellent question. Looking at this I see that, while I'm not really happy with how I eat, others may look at my log and see it in a much better light. I'm looking for those mistakes and that may not be giving me the boost I should be getting from realizing how much better I am eating now than I was a year ago. Time to give myself some positive strokes and look on the positive side. The negative has worn me down and isn't productive. I can't toss it all out, but I have to look on the bright side to keep it going.

I'll keep my adulation of Russ' swimming as a prompt for someday and shoot for that goal. Maybe I can get in the workout zone there too.

What are some of the POSITIVE things you have going on for you? Look at the positive posts you receive from others and embrace the good you are doing. I think you all have great things to offer this group. Take a look through some of your accolades you've received from your MFPals, and share them. Toot that horn, feel great about yourself and/or let others know what you appreciate about them that give you something to strive for. It doesn't have to be public on this thread, but at least drop someone a message of appreciation. You might hit them at a moment they could really use the lift!

Keep up the great work, each and every one of you, and thanks for being part of this journey!


  • Carysta
    Carysta Posts: 152 Member
    Thank you for sharing so much of yourself with us Dward! I know that a quick word from someone has brightened my day many a time, and I personally think you are an inspiration. Being healthier is hard work, and you keep it in mind even when everything else is difficult, and that is something to be admired for sure.

    We're all lucky to have each other in this group to turn to for support and ideas and just to have people who understand what we're going through, I know for me that is something priceless.