Weight Gain

Emma38418 Posts: 38 Member
Would it help anyone to track weight gain?? Join in if so!!

For me so far;
5 weeks 173
8 weeks 173 (+0)
11 weeks 173 (+0)


  • stephysd
    stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
    Due to nausea I have been losing weight, but seen a little bit of a climb over the last few days. Hoping it sticks for Tuesday morning which is my weekly weigh-in day.

    8/24/13 : 4 weeks (Day we found out) 153.4
    10/15/13: 11 weeks - 146.0

    Plus side to the weight loss and this being my third pregnancy is my belly has popped already which my 5 year old loves. Makes it more real for him. Although makes this mom feels like she maybe should have been doing more stomach toning exercises over the last few years.
  • Lmsvelling
    Lmsvelling Posts: 19 Member
    I was at 182 at my first follow up and have been hanging out right at 180 for the past few weeks :)
  • MommyisFit
    MommyisFit Posts: 139 Member
    Had my 12 week appointment today. I gained 1lb the entire first trimester. At this point with my daughter, I gained 10lbs (60lbs total) and with my son, I gained 3 lbs so far (24lbs total). I weigh 126 at 5'3".

    I have been horrible at tracking my food during this pregnancy, so I am hoping to start keeping better track. The doctor told me to gain 1/2-1lb each week from here on. Eeek! Not ready for this! lol