social eating

CndnJo Posts: 9 Member
I came home today after church even though everyone else was staying for a potluck dinner (everyone brings a dish to share). This isn't the first time that I have faced a social event that involved food and had to decide how to handle it. Today, I decided I just didn't want to deal with it. Other times, I have brought my own food, I have questioned everyone as to what the ingredients of their dishes were, I have brought several dishes of my own to share to be sure that I would have at least a few things on my plate. Last night I was at our local 4-H banquet and sat with my place empty while everyone else ate their supper. I had eaten before we went to the banquet. I am wondering how everyone else deals with these social food situations. I am feeling rather discouraged today.


  • Crohns2013
    Crohns2013 Posts: 57 Member
    I either take my own food, or eat before I go. I usually just eat before I go, its easier that way. And for things like weddings etc. there is almost always a green salad that I can fill my plate with, I just don't add any dressings. If there isn't anything to eat, then I really don't mind not eating while everyone else does, its not an issue for me.

    My son is also GF, and I make sure to always have a full meal/dessert for him if we are going somewhere where we won't know what is in everything. Hes too little to understand missing out on eating at the same time as everyone else.
  • nordakota
    nordakota Posts: 48 Member
    I usually just bring a GF dish to share and then fill up on fruits and veggies if they are available. The only time it really irritates me is when it is my birthday --LOL. At work we are supposed to bring something to share for the person who has the birthday prior to yours and never fail someone brings brownies, etc. on my day! I think that with so many people going with the GF "fad" that people think I am GF because it is hip, etc. They don't realize I have Celiac and it can make me really sick (even though I do tell them they forget it seems.)
  • zazure
    zazure Posts: 18
    I make/bring my own or speak to the person holding the function. For my nieces weddinng she ordered me a gluten free meal (I offered to pay the difference for it) for work functions I ask when I rsvp if there will be gluten free options as I'm Celiac. Gluten takes me down for days. I wont play games with my health. If there is nothing I can have, no plain meat or salad or veggies, then I will drink a drink and chat with people. Because I'm so open about it, I've become the "go to girl" for deserts for people who can't have dairy or gluten. (I'm a baker/cook so it's fine and everyone should be able to celebrate.)