Here are the Team Rosters

JamericanBoy Posts: 484 Member
Team members:

1. While it is not necessary to add team members to your Friends Lists, please make sure your diaries are publicly accessible to each other. We are using the honor system and full disclosure.

2. I, Hyperdrone (Patrick), will be the voice of reason for the US Team and I have asked APernet (Adeline) to represent the UK team in handling any disputes (which I do not anticipate).

3. Let's have some fun!!!

US Team Roster
1. Hyperdrone (Patrick)
2. teamAmelia
3. Trueray (Ray)
4. Rastamann
5. helena_jj
6. Myfaithatwork
7. Chieflrg
8. BattleTaxi
9. bigrickw71
10. cayoo
11. Moonshine_betty
12. RyanDryFly
13. DrunkDaddy
14. MADLifestyle
15. krisakin9
16. benn19777
17. ELesyshyn
18. mmckee10
19. srslybritt
20. primal_cupcakes

UK Team Roster
1. APernet (Adeline)
2. emaren
3. hmmm2013
4. VictoriusLion (Vik)
5. SpecialSundae
6. bluebubble12 (Charlene)
7. Starchasers
8. Humbugsftw
9. DPernet
10. samantha240473
11. Slinkyandheramazingbunsofsteel
12. PJ_73
13. bernied26
14. glitterfairy2
15. lumpy_spaceprincess
16. Sarah_L_S
17. WoosieUK
18. olalola1981
19. slim4health56
20. danofthedead1979
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