Season 4 - Ep. 3 - "Isolation" - 10/27/13



  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    I couldn't tell for sure, but was Tyrese bitten? I saw he had entrails on his shoulder, but was he also bitten in the upper body?

    I totally didn't see Carol as the killer. That was a good surprise. Sorry, Bob! :laugh:

    Why on earth does Hershel tell Carl not to off the two Walkers? You never know when one of them might end up being the one that kills you in a future episode.

    They should reinforce all their cars with monster truck tires and all kinds of razor wire and wheel spikes. That would make their cars weapons as well.
  • Angimom
    Angimom Posts: 1,463 Member
    I was wondering the same thing, was Tyrese bitten? He kinda collapsed when Daryl went to get him, was he just super tired from fighting his own way through? Jeez, I think he is kinda an explosion waiting to happen.
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    Guess I owe Bob apology for accusing him of being the killer in the thread for last weeks show. Still think there is more to this character.

    I thought that same thing!! I never saw Carol as the body burner. But her motivations make sense. She saw a threat and wanted to eliminate it as soon as possible. Unfortunately it looks like she didn't help since so many people are getting sick. I wonder how Rick is going to handle the situation now that he knows it's Carol. Tyrese wants whoever it is dead. I doubt Rick is just going to hand her over like that.
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    Definitely more build up in this episode than action. I love how Daryl handled himself during the confrontation with Tyrese. He was such a level head even when Rick freaked out. He is becoming such a great leader in that group. I wouldn't have guessed it from the way his character started out.

    I'm surprised that Carol is going so rogue lately. Someone else called it but I didn't see it. But now with the body burning and going outside of the fence by herself. Someone is going to have to put their foot down about her. Maybe she is enjoying all of this new personal freedom since she had a controlling husband for so long.

    I was so bummed to see Sasha and Glenn both getting sick! They are two unexpected bad *kitten* and I would hate to see either one of them die because of this "glorified cold" as Glenn put it.

    Carl seems to be in a weird place. They expected him to be such a grown up when there were no other kids around. Now they want him to go back to being a kid and I don't think it can happen. I'm glad Herschel put him in his place about trying to stop him and then about killing the walker stuck in a bear trap.

    I can't believe that GIGANTIC horde of walkers. That was insane!! I'm glad that Tyrese didn't give up and stay in the car. Bob kind of redeemed himself in this episode too. Although did anyone catch that weird moment when he seemed to get lost in his own thoughts when he was looking at the car that they were going to be taking out on the run??

    I think next week's episode will have a lot more action. Great start to the season so far!
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    Do you guys think the little girl whose father died in the attack a few episodes is up to something? I got this feeling she was faking sick just to get into the quarantined area. She comes off as a bit strange and her sister told Carol that she's "messed up" a few episodes ago.

    Hope Glen makes it. :-/

    I definitely agree with this!! It seemed weird that she was trying so hard to get Carol to go in there with her. I was worried that Carol was going to give in and go in there. I'm glad that she didn't.
  • soaps54
    soaps54 Posts: 564 Member
    I definitely agree with this!! It seemed weird that she was trying so hard to get Carol to go in there with her. I was worried that Carol was going to give in and go in there. I'm glad that she didn't.

    And the girl still has that knife that Carol gave her! Makes me even more nervous for the people she's around.
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    I definitely agree with this!! It seemed weird that she was trying so hard to get Carol to go in there with her. I was worried that Carol was going to give in and go in there. I'm glad that she didn't.

    And the girl still has that knife that Carol gave her! Makes me even more nervous for the people she's around.

    That's right!! And she said that her dad had taught her what she needed to do if something were to happen. Maybe that little girl will start getting nuts like Carl and start taking people out that didn't need to be taken out!
  • Mr_Dumas
    Mr_Dumas Posts: 260 Member
    disappointed the herd was at the end of the show, but hopefully next week we see some MAJOR action dealing with that
  • Naomi0504
    Naomi0504 Posts: 964 Member
    Good episode. As far as the rats go, I don't see the little girl sneaking out at night to feed the walkers. My money is on Bob and that he's a mole planted by the Governor.

    Very interesting take. I was wondering when the Governor was gonna pop up too. M

    Tyrese....sigh. Very emotional time for him. I just love him and Sasha.
  • michaelocampo
    michaelocampo Posts: 108 Member
    I know that the comic and show are wildly divergent... but there were some kids in the comic who were horribly affected (mentally) by this world. ive actually been waiting for a child threat... and to see how delicately the writers decide to deal with it. VERY INTERESTING.
  • larsensue
    larsensue Posts: 461 Member
    not feeling the Sasha/Tyreese thing. not sure I like them....
    LOVE that Carol is taking a stand and doing what needs to be done. she better be careful she doesn't get to tough though. she still needs to be the Mom in the group...... Hope Rick doesn't let anyone hurt her for what she did. sometimes people do things for the right reasons (greater good) but end up being wrong (or too late to change the chain of events already in the works)....
    DARYL xoxo... thats all I can say there....
  • kellyskitties
    kellyskitties Posts: 475 Member
    A. Tyrese - I'd be p'd after that - why didn't you guys at least take out a couple before walking off! Good grief man...

    B. I don't think he's bitten - I think he's covered in zombie bits

    C. Carol? didn't see that coming. One of them wanted revenge for the killing (was that Tyrese?) - that may end badly for one of them...

    D. Too long until next episode - can't wait to see the horde in action!

    E. The infection and isolation - I just kept thinking - somewhere in that group - they just need a couple nurses to teach everyone what to do! Out of all those folks - not one nurse? (sorry, my inner nurse talking - need some representing)
  • wertgirlfor
    wertgirlfor Posts: 161 Member
    I like Herschel's speech about how everything is risking your life, so you better be risking your life for something good, and how he's trying to help people. I don't know how this will end for him, but I'm very happy someone jumped to action in a creative way.

    I didn't even think about that little girl trying to get Carol in there with her... I can definitely see her like purposely sabotaging the group. I already think she's feeding the walkers.
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    Good episode. As far as the rats go, I don't see the little girl sneaking out at night to feed the walkers. My money is on Bob and that he's a mole planted by the Governor.

    I was a little shocked by Carol, but I like it. She's getting stronger and becoming a real leader. It will be interesting to see how the relationship between her and Rick changes now.

    I would be most interested in how her relationship with Daryl will change if it comes out that she was the one that burned the bodies. It seems so out of character for her to do something like that. I don't really see her falling on the sword for something so serious but maybe she is covering for someone else?
  • JordanSky26
    JordanSky26 Posts: 24 Member
    Ok guys, I am a cheater and I had to admit it! You see, my husband is at work sooo, I did it! I am doing it now! I am watching Walking dead after I told him I would wait til he got in. Okay people get your minds out of the gutter!Lol!
    Hehe I do that too, my girlfriend and I usually watch together but I can't help watching it when I get home first even if it is taped on the DVR.
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    I completely forgot to even go over the whole voice on the radio thing!! I think I was so mad that Daryl pulled a "Lori" and almost crashed the car because he wasn't looking at the road that I didn't even remember that part!! I wonder how that is going to go down?!?
  • kellyskitties
    kellyskitties Posts: 475 Member
    I completely forgot to even go over the whole voice on the radio thing!! I think I was so mad that Daryl pulled a "Lori" and almost crashed the car because he wasn't looking at the road that I didn't even remember that part!! I wonder how that is going to go down?!?

    ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG, I totally forgot that too! Could anyone make out any words???
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    I completely forgot to even go over the whole voice on the radio thing!! I think I was so mad that Daryl pulled a "Lori" and almost crashed the car because he wasn't looking at the road that I didn't even remember that part!! I wonder how that is going to go down?!?

    ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG, I totally forgot that too! Could anyone make out any words???

    I'm going to have to watch that episode again to see but from what I remembered that it kind of implied another colony or more survivors. Although it seems like it could be a trap set by the Governor to lure people in.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    I completely forgot to even go over the whole voice on the radio thing!! I think I was so mad that Daryl pulled a "Lori" and almost crashed the car because he wasn't looking at the road that I didn't even remember that part!! I wonder how that is going to go down?!?

    ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG, I totally forgot that too! Could anyone make out any words???

    I'm going to have to watch that episode again to see but from what I remembered that it kind of implied another colony or more survivors. Although it seems like it could be a trap set by the Governor to lure people in.

    It could be the Governor or another colony with plans to take away resources or people. In the world they live in now, they should be scared of another group's intentions. What if they want younger women for sex or breeding purposes? Or kids to use as labor. I'm almost hoping they don't respond to whatever they heard on the radio.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Good episode. As far as the rats go, I don't see the little girl sneaking out at night to feed the walkers. My money is on Bob and that he's a mole planted by the Governor.

    I was a little shocked by Carol, but I like it. She's getting stronger and becoming a real leader. It will be interesting to see how the relationship between her and Rick changes now.

    Did Bob come from Woodbury? It seemed to me in the first episode of the season that he was a recent addition, whereas the Woodbury folks had been around for six months. Not that that would preclude his having a connection to the Governor.