Gatvol! - the begining in T- 9 days**

That’s it… this period of self-loathing needs to cease! For how can I love others around me and respect others if I cannot scrap up the confidence to look at my lumps and bumps and say “your beautiful..”
You cannot expect miracles to happen overnight and you also cannot expect years of self critism and hate to stop with the shed of 1 pound of water weight so what to do?
Well I have decided, I cannot rely on “good genes” miracle diets and minimum calories to change this needs to be big! A huge send off to my unwanted weight is what is needed!

Being so incredibly tall, having studied bio kinetics you would think I would have figured out what is the correct weight for a tall women to weigh *psssh* I have been struggling with this ideal for many a moons and still don’t have the answer until…. I realised who are we to put ourselves into set boxes? We are all different therefore all have different genes, bone structures, muscle mass, personalities which determine how and what we look like!

The November challenge for me is not about how much I can lose or how much I can tone, it is about learning to love ourselves and love the change our bodies go thorough when we look after them. EAT CLEAN, TRAIN MEAN!!! Is the mantra I want to have as the slogan for the November challenge. This to me is the perfect thoughts to have because when we exercise and train mean we release the wonderful well of endorphins into our bloodstream (natures own anti depressant) and when we eat clean we feel lighter, tighter and more full of energy.
CHALLENGEME November….lets do this!

IM me for a eating plan and exercise routine :)