Orange Team Week 2



  • dillyg08
    dillyg08 Posts: 993 Member
    My goal this week is to drink more water. and though to some it may not relate, another goal is to read the Bible more . I had my phone on YouTube while eating lunch with my son today and I was thinking about my dieting. I played a song I hadn't listened to for a while and it made me weep. it's about doing it all yourself and then realizing God is your strength and will help you through. there was another song too. I'm going to post them in my profile as soon as I can find the words and time ti put them on. so more water and more God time are my goals this week

    That is a great goal to read the Bible. The refreshing words can provide spiritual motivation that will aid in everything we do, especially, giving us the courage to complete this challenge. Have a blessed day!
  • kerosenekisses463
    kerosenekisses463 Posts: 18 Member
    As I type this, I am sweaty and more than a little proud. Physical challenge complete!! :happy:

    I decided instead of breaking it up into smaller chunks, I would just knock it all out at once (took me about 20 minutes). I did the beginner one (or whichever one wasn't the advanced version). I did adjust the push-ups (I object to the term "girly/girl push-ups) to better accomodate the fact that I have the upper body strength of an infant - still a great workout on the arms! Crunches and lunges were fairly easy; crunches are one of my favorite exercises and the lunges I did to the beat of whatever song was playing. :smile: It was only when I got to the wall sits that I had a lot of difficulty. Oh, I got them done, but am I glad I'm the only one aunt would not have been happy about the contant stream of swear words I was producing! I haven't done wall sits regularly since February when I was training for a marathon (that never got done)...MAN! I set my timer for 30 seconds, only to realize I'd have to break it up into 10 seconds at a time. :frown: What a reality check!

    On my second 24 oz. cup of water...hoping to finish this and a third one before I leave to see my grandfather at the nursing facility he's transferred to and run some errands. It's a great day for health! Here's to many more! Hope everyone has a great day!! :bigsmile:
  • RaineyLaney
    RaineyLaney Posts: 605 Member
    Hello team Orange... Lets rock this challenge :) I know we can do this ! ! !

    Well, yesterday I did my 20 dips. It was hard with my shoulder injury, but I did it. (My form probably wasn't the best, but it was the best I could do, do to limited mobility with that left shoulder. I was so proud of myself that I could do these. Yeah )

    I also knocked out my wall sit and I did 5 - 1 min planks for my October mini challenge and did one extra 1-1 minute plank, for this challenge (we only had to hold it for 30 sec's per this challenge, so I did double the time)

    Today, I am going to do another 50 squats with 3 lb weights and then 50 reg. squats for my Oct. challenge, 30 crunches (already did the advanced plank for this roll of dice), and I plan on getting 1 extra plank in with my 5 -1 minute planks I have to do for my October challenge. For that Challenge. I have to do 50 squats, 50 wall pushups, 5 - 1 minute planks and this week they added 50 Jumping jacks. So I have a busy work out day ahead of me... going to knock out the squats now :)

    I think after today, I will have my Biggest Loser dice roll and water challenges completed :)
  • dillyg08
    dillyg08 Posts: 993 Member
    Challenge completed.

    Challenge 1: Die roll#s: 3, 5, 3, 4, 2, 1 and did the corresponding exercises. Dips was the hardest.

    Challenge 2: drank 114 oz of water. The required amount was 93. My bladder almost explode, but I was determined to make it.

    Have a great weekend OT:wink:
  • kaylikee
    kaylikee Posts: 68 Member
    Challenge done for this week...

    water- 216.8=72.2 oz
    Push ups-20
    Wall sit-30 sec
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Check In:

    ***My Team Orange Goal~Burn 4000 Cals***

    Wed: 771 Cals Burned
    Thurs: 920 Cals Burned
    Fri: 0
    Sat: 759 Cals Burned
    Sun: 1067 Cals Burned

    Total Weekly Cals Burned: 3,517

    ***BL Challenge~Completed on Wednesday***

    Physical~ rolled the dice from the website and this is what I had to do: 3, 3, 1, 6, 2, 5

    I did the advanced option with 5lb weights. It took me 9 mins 46 secs. I had to take a break with the dips and squats w/ shoulder press :ohwell:

    Water~Goal: 108.9....Ounces of Water on Weds: 120
  • Veganmafia
    Veganmafia Posts: 54 Member
    weight: 187.4
    water 93.7oz (over two day period)
    dye roll: 4,5,4,3,6,3

    Goal: To stay consistent*
  • mrsjas2000
    mrsjas2000 Posts: 908 Member
    I didn't do too well on the exercise part of it, I need to figure out how to print it off or write it down so I don't forget about the exercises, if I see it everyday on the fridge it would be better
  • BMP9713
    BMP9713 Posts: 107 Member
    Great job with check ins this week orange team! I ha to drink 77oz of water ( my weight decided by 3) and completed the dice roll challenge numbers 6,6,2,6,4,3
  • JonathanMFP
    JonathanMFP Posts: 44 Member
    My completed challenge results:

    Water=107oz (322/3); done by filling up and drinking a 20oz Aquafina bottle 6 times throughout the day.

    Here are the numbers that came up for the dice challenge, and the corresponding exercises I did:

    5. Squats x 30 reps
    2. Dips x 20 reps
    5. Squats x 30 reps
    6. Alternating Lunges x 20 reps
    3. Wall sits – 30 seconds
    4. crunches x 30 reps

    Go orange!!!
  • mentalmunchie
    mentalmunchie Posts: 24 Member
    Due to a wrist injury and a swollen arm (recently got a tattoo) I wasn't able to do some of the exercises so instead of rolling the dice I just did the exercises I could do. I did wall sits for 60 seconds, then 60 crunches, and 60 squats.

    I'm trying to drink more water but unfortunately I did not drink half my body weight in water. I will keep trying to drink more water throughout this whole challenge.

    Great job this week everyone!
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Final Check In:

    ***My Team Orange Goal~Burn 4000 Cals***

    Wed: 771 Cals Burned
    Thurs: 920 Cals Burned
    Fri: 0
    Sat: 759 Cals Burned
    Sun: 1067 Cals Burned
    Mon: 788 Cals Burned
    Tues: 294 Cals Burned

    Total Weekly Cals Burned: 4,599~MISSION ACCOMPLISHED :bigsmile:

    ***BL Challenge~Completed on Wednesday***

    Physical~ rolled the dice from the website and this is what I had to do: 3, 3, 1, 6, 2, 5

    I did the advanced option with 5lb weights. It took me 9 mins 46 secs. I had to take a break with the dips and squats w/ shoulder press :ohwell:

    Water~Goal: 108.9....Ounces of Water on Weds: 120