Daily Check in 10/23/13

Since there wasn't one started yet, I figured I would go ahead and make the check-in for this week.

There's only 9 weeks left!!

1. Current weight (optional) :
2. weight lost since last week :
3. NSV for the week
4. Goals for next week
5. Weight to go til Christmas:

Here's mine----
1. Current weight (optional) : 229
2. weight lost since last week : 1 lb
3. NSV for the week: My husband said my butt looks great, ha
4. Goals for next week: More water
5. Weight to go til Christmas: 29 lbs


  • Me2FitMe
    Me2FitMe Posts: 1,285 Member
    1. Current: 162
    2. Loss: 4 lb
    3. NSV: I am 3 lbs below my pre-pregnancy weight!! And I can stand my 4" heels-- all night long! LOL... yay!!
    4. Goal: Stay focused, I wanna meet my goal!! or get as close as possible!
    5. 22 lbs to go by Christmas-- ugh!
  • 1. Current weight (optional) : 224.6 (down from 236.8 lbs 9/28/13.)
    2. weight lost since last week: 2.8 lbs
    3. Other accomplishment or NSV (non scale victory) for the week: Noticed my pants were not as snug! AND I am finally back to where I was earlier this year - not at my lowest, but - made it back to where I was when I restarted my goals.
    4. Goals for next week: Keep following the new diet plan. I went back to CrossFit last week! I am probably going to start only doing 1 day a week as I need to work up slowly. I'll supplement a few days a week with light cardio.
    5. weight to go by Christmas : 17.8
  • TanyaAJ
    TanyaAJ Posts: 30 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    1. Current weight 171.4 lbs
    2. weight lost since last week 1 lbs
    3. Other accomplishment or NSV: non really, had a really tough week, found it hard to fit anything extra in really...
    4. Goals for next week: relax and try to go with a flow rather than pedaling against the tide...
    5. weight to go by Christmas 4 lbs
  • cfeineigle
    cfeineigle Posts: 39 Member
    Hi guys! :flowerforyou:

    1. Current weight (optional) : 139
    2. weight lost since last week : -1.40
    3. NSV for the week: Received 3 compliments from 3 different co-workers about my weight lose this week!!
    4. Goals for next week: Eat more veggies
    5. Weight to go til Christmas: 14 lbs
  • maguariento
    maguariento Posts: 72 Member
    Hi everyone!

    1 & 2 - No idea... on vacation and not getting on the scale (although I must admit I saw one in the fitness center locker room... haven't been back...)
    3. NSV for the week - although on vacation, I did do my week 7 c25k jogs on Friday (before packing), Sunday & Tuesday while here. Plan to get out tomorrow and hopefully even Saturday. I'm sure I'm gaining back some weight (all meals are buffet style and always dessert!).
    4. Goals for next week - keep the buffet/feeding trough under control. Maybe skip dessert...? (Well... maybe not!)
    5. Weight to go by Christmas - well, whatever will get me to 135, which is still hopefully less than 5 lbs away.

    I'm seeing some AWESOME losses from y'all this week - way to go!!! Keep it up... we've got to be strong going into Halloween Candy Season, Thanksgiving, and Christmas!!! Let's get those good habits ingrained now!!! CHEERS !:drinker:
  • 1. Current weight - 220
    2. Pounds lost - 1 lb
    3. NSV - It is easier to not over eat and keep track of my food logging.
    4. Goals for next week - Work out 3 times (Fall is such a busy time for my family) and decrease my calorie intake just a little bit to keep my body guessing.
    5. Weight to go by Christmas - 21 lbs DO YOU THINK IT IS POSSIBLE????
  • AeiriMuse
    AeiriMuse Posts: 254 Member
    Current: 166.6 lbs
    Lost since last week: I've actually gained in number
    NSV: Even though I went up on number I went down on size. Yay for muscle!
    Goal: Keep a level head. I'm closing in on the end of my cycle, next week is that week, and I'd like to not explode with emotional stress. Hoping to motivate myself to ware myself out--become too tired from my workout to be able to spend any energy being upset.
    Weight to go for goal: 46.6 lbs
  • w2bab
    w2bab Posts: 353 Member
    1. Current weight (optional) : 182
    2. weight lost since last week : 0 - been in a holding pattern for about a month now
    3. NSV for the week: even though the scale isn't moving, I'm comfortably wearing my size 6 and 8 jeans, which is my goal size
    4. Goals for next week : lose 2 lbs
    5. Weight to go til Christmas: 22 (which is probably not going to happen by Christmas, but it is my ultimate goal)
  • kimharrison22
    kimharrison22 Posts: 32 Member
    1. Current weight : 120
    2. weight lost since last week : 3lbs
    3. NSV for the week: Ordered from the "skinny menu" at a restaurant instead of ordering what I really wanted :)
    4. Goals for next week: Still trying to get my butt out of bed early and run...
    5. Weight to go til Christmas: 5 lbs