Week 4

DragonflyF15 Posts: 437 Member
Home stretch! Sadly the group dwindled, however I kinda expected it. Giving up alcohol is not easy, and many don't want to admit that they might need it more in their lives than just a casual treat. I've watched too many friends and family members struggle. ""We sell our dreams and our potential
To escape through that buzz"" from a song I heard recently. I've also watched many friends who drink regularly pack on the weight through the years, making horrible food choices while out drinking. High fives to those who make it through this week and reach the 25 or 30 day challenge (I know, it's Halloween weekend and some may want to join in the festivities) If anything, even if you guys go back to drinking after this challenge, if it has helped one be aware and more mindful, then perhaps we will drink for the right reasons and in moderation. The ultimate goal of starting this group was to get back in the driver's seat, take control and choose healthier options. Being healthy is far more than just counting calories coming in and going out, it's a holistic approach of taking care of body, mind and spirit :)

Two more days for those doing the 25 day challenge and 7 more days for the 30 day mark :) One thing I've learned is that alcohol doesn't have to be needed to cut loose and have fun, it's about attitude and how you approach things and lately when going out to do stuff, I feel like a kid again enjoying having fun just for the sake of having fun...so much so, that I've actually felt a buzz off it :)


  • CharRicho
    CharRicho Posts: 389 Member
    Thanks for organizing and keeping this going :)

    I haven't really decided if I will stick with it longer, or just switch to having one glass of wine with dinner occasionally, but I definitely think I'm done with binge drinking - not that it was a regular occurrence before, but just that I'm enjoying feeling a bit healthier without alcohol in my system.
  • IndependentMe
    IndependentMe Posts: 182 Member
    I'm still here, but still in the "beginnings". My start ended up being 9 days ago. I love reading the posts, they have kept me going. My boyfriend, without me even suggesting it, decided to go along with me. We are discovering many fine drinks using Pellagrino. My favorite so far is in a fancy wine glass add a dash of stevia, a splach of unsweetened pomegranite juice, ice, fill glass with pellagrino, squeeze a bit of lime and then garnish glass with the wedge. Only about 20 cals from the juice, and it is a pretty color, has bubbles and tasty! I made it through on weekend. It was easy having my guy supporting me. We are going to a 50th bday party this weekend, and I feel very prepared to have fun without the alcohol. I have gone nights without alcohol, and even to parties when I only had one drink since I was driving (and my ex-husband was an alcoholic so I couldn't rely on him). But, to tell the truth, other than when I was pregnant, I don't remember ever going more than a full week without a glass of wine. This time, I'm doing it for my health, alone. Joey would be proud of me. I also dropped some weight, tomorrow is my weigh in so I will know the number then. I feel great, been sleeping average 9 hours night without waking....wow! Two people in last day have commented that my face looks thinner. Amazing stuff. I plan on continuing this journey of awareness, for 31 days, which happens to end on the day I am going away for a weekend in the mountains. My guy has already said he will bring plenty of pellagrino, and only one small bottle of wine for us to SHARE over the 2 nights. So that will begin my moderation awareness. I am actually thinking moderation for me will be to only have ONE drink on VERY special occasions because I'm kinda liking the way I feel sober. Hopefully I will continue to feel this way after my 31 days...
  • KyliAnne26
    KyliAnne26 Posts: 209 Member
    I'm still here!! I just suck at checking in. With that being said, though, I'm going to a Halloween party tomorrow night and will probably drink. This has been a great challenge, and I did way better than I thought I would! I'm going to do my best to stick with drinking once per month in the future :)
  • star5785
    star5785 Posts: 140
    I'm here too! This was a great challenge. I'm much more aware of how much I DON"T need alcohol. I'm going to keep up with it as long as possible and even if I have a drink here and there, remember that I can do so in moderation. Thanks again for the group! :flowerforyou: