Green Team-Week 2



  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    I agree the water challenge seemed to have killed us this week. I retain fluid and I am with Jesse, anything over 8 or 9 cups and I am bloated. It took me three days to rid my body of the excess water weight. Yuck. If I have waited to the end of the challenge, I would have had a gain. Lessons learned. Learn from it, move on from it!! WE WILL ROCK THIS WEEK LADIES!!
    ********************GO GREEN TEAM GO NO EXCUSES< GET YOUR *kitten* UP AND MOVE******************
  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    I am always impressed with how much some of you are working out!! I completed the dice challenge, in theory it sounded fun, in reality I ended up doing 120 squats, it felt a little unlucky!! I guess it is not a very good indicator of what might happen in Vegas if I went. I am doing my water challenge today (I had forgotten about it) so I am already at 96 ounces which according to the rules meets the requirement. But I will complete 128 ounces by the end of the day. This is a big challenge for me because I am a huge diet Coke drinker!! I only lost .8 pounds this week. I was away the last four days at a conference that I was speaking at so I just didn't eat very well. But a great day today and will do better all week! Keep up the good work.

    Good Evening Joy:
    A loss is a loss, no matter how small!! The dice was not nice to me either, I actually lost count of how many dips I did. You will lose big next week when you are back on home turf. Have a great night and great week!!- Tammie
  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    Good Evening Ladies:
    I am only missing three weigh ins and two challenges. Please get them A.S.A.P. For all of those that have, it looks like we had the dreaded WEEK 2. I think a lot of it has to do with the water challenge. I myself went up 3 pounds after doing that challenge and took 3 days to get rid of the weight and I pounded the gym all week. I did break a plateau as of this evening after spin I weighed 189.8, finally out of the 190s. I am waiting until tomorrow morning for my official weigh in,because I know that I have a lot of lactic acid build up from spin class and that normally in the morning I will be down another pound or two, so I will post my weight tomorrow. Also remember, any of you can change your weight with me before Tuesday night. I am usually on 5-6 a.m. and then I will get on again by 7:30 p.m., just shoot me a quick email. Do not post in here if you are weighing in that late, I will not see it!!
    With all of that said, i think that we learned some lessons this week. For me, I knew I should have skipped the water challenge, I would have had a bigger lose. I know to listen to myself!! Two, we all know that even if you are going to be away or it is a special occasion, those calories count and we must account for them ahead of time..NO EXCUSES!! If I said it was ok and told you well it happens, I would not be a good coach. You MUST be ACCOUNTABLE EVERY DAY!!
    Next week I would like to see people posting more..Some are great with this, some we haven't heard from since the challenge started. We CANNOT SUPPORT you if we do not know what you are going through. What are your struggles? What are your goals? I would like everyone to come up with at least one goal they would like to achieve next week and post it in the thread. This way everyone can help everyone stay motivated and accountable and we can have a ROCKING WEEK 3!!
    Have a great night everyone. I'll let you know the stats as soon as I get them!!

  • FieryVixsin
    FieryVixsin Posts: 102 Member
    Hey sorry I have been crazy busy this week so I haven't had a chance to touch base much.

    I completed the dice challenge it was an interesting challenging workout. Water challenge was pretty easy since I've been tryiong to drink at least a gallon of water a day since starting the biggest loser.

    I completely brain farted and didn't weigh in this morning I will do it early and report first thing in the morning.
  • FieryVixsin
    FieryVixsin Posts: 102 Member
    Again sorry for my tardiness.

    I already emailed Tam but I need to post here too.

    Both Challenges completed. Sorry guys I did put a lot more effort in this week but I gained back to my starting point.:grumble:

    Can't really explain it didn't eat bad and moved a lot more.

    Ol well this a new week and I know that we will all rock it.