WEEK 3 Results....WEEK 4 TORTURE...I Mean Challenge!! ;)



  • love9705
    love9705 Posts: 465 Member
    My pay if forward occurred yesterday.

    My best friend is pre-diabetic so I told her she will come and start working out with me. She was like are you crazy I will die I can't do what you do. So I told her we will start off just by walking and work your way up, yesterday we walked for almost 2 hrs. I ran to her house and after I dropped her home and after our walk she felt great. I told her she is such a joy to have in my life and I don't want to lose her to something we can prevent. So after the hugs and tears we decided this will be our Sunday routine until she is ready to step in the gym.

    Next step- getting her on MFP!!!
  • weefreemen
    weefreemen Posts: 652 Member
    Pay it forward today (Monday)

    I was waiting at the bus stop coming home from ballet and the young lass waiting with me, didn't have all the necessary change for the bus, I gave her one of my bus tickets so she could get home safely. The look on her face was lovely, she was so relieved. Really pleased I always carry extra bus tickets.

    On the other hand, I want bonus points for what I didn't do to a little old lady on the inbound bus. She dropped her hankie, and smacked me with her cane to get me to pick it up. I picked it up and mentioned that it wasn't necessary to hit me with her cane. 5 minutes later, she did it again, now I thought it's Pay it forward week for the challenge, so I did NOT shove the sodding cane down her throat. I did pick up her hankie again, and no I didn't throw it, nor her under the bus.. :)
  • Sheri869
    Sheri869 Posts: 1,195 Member
    OMG :laugh: @mailaig...BOTH of your nice acts were great....one probably felt really good....and the other probably had you cursing me so you couldn't throw it at her!!! What a charming lady she sounds like!! It would have been tempting...the story had me cracking up though!!

    @love9705...the time you took out to get your friend moving for her health AND made it special....is Amazing!! Because you made it all that, she wants to make a regular thing of it?! You should feel GREAT About that!! You may be able to get her to enjoy and work up to more so she be healthier! That's Awesome!!

    In answer to a couple questions...
    @vhuber - for the Pay It Forward part of the challenge - you only need to do something once during the week and post - I know everyone doesn't come in contact with people a lot - but Everyone can feel free to post as often as they like on that one. Reading them is usually pretty uplifting! All Of Your Kind Hearts Come out in full force this week! It's one of my favorite challenge weeks
    And YEAH - I just posted on my wall about the candy! I'm PISSED at myself for forgetting that it was Halloween candy time! But I did post a personal challenge for it today that I HOPE you will all TRY to do even if its not part of the challenge per say.

    @mailaig - I know you posted this and I put up a clarifier on my wall - but saw you posted here as well - so I want to clarify for anyone who may not have seen - 1st your question on how the stairs points work -

    **ANY Bonus points I put up in the challenge week will just run the duration of the challenge - So Sunday - Friday morning (unless I specify different)
    **Stairs need to be in lots of 25 MINIMUM to count towards your stairs....you don't need to do 100 at a time but the points will be counted only for every 100 done at the end of the week - so No partial points if you complete 550 - you get just 25 points for 500
    ** AND also was a question - It is CORRECT the stairs do NOT count towards ANYTHING ELSE BUT STAIRS!!!

    And sorry I'm behind on these questions - we were driving home yesterday from our weekend and got done unloading everything late and works beeennnnnn wellll WORK Today....The rest of the week should be a little normal so I will be around better!!
  • Justacoffeenut
    Justacoffeenut Posts: 3,749 Member
  • fang19423
    fang19423 Posts: 1,407 Member

    Sharks are swimming strong
    Geckos are doing it all wrong
    Feel the fear, just sit back and have your beer! :drinker: :laugh:
  • Sheri869
    Sheri869 Posts: 1,195 Member
    :laugh: I'm loving some of the funny pics you guys put up!!

    Ohhhhh but the Ninja DOLPHIN....of course is my fav!! Look Out all you little animals....!!!

    ALL Teams....though Keep up the Great Work!! Already Seeing HUGE #'s going up on the chart!! A Lot Of Strength in the Competitors this Challenge Round!!
  • nonnalynn
    nonnalynn Posts: 651 Member
    I tried mailaig's :heart: Toasted Pecans with Cinnamon and Sugar
    BUT....I used walnuts and 3/4 tsp liquid stevia.
    200 calories, 4 carbs, 2 fibre, 6 protein, 20 fat, and 15 Na per 30 grams
    Very tasty.:tongue: I MUST try this with pecans, but all I have is walnuts today.
  • nonnalynn
    nonnalynn Posts: 651 Member
    And THEN I tried lostgurl55's Roasted Veggies.

    I used frozen cauliflower and broccoli, as I had only fresh cauli. This was yummo!

    Ended up with 138 calories, 7 carbs, 3 fiber, 1 protein, 7 fat, 50 Na

    Here it is (was) with my butternut "Soon to be Soup" squash and some Kombucha Tea!
  • nonnalynn
    nonnalynn Posts: 651 Member
    ooops double post...
  • lostgurl55
    lostgurl55 Posts: 155 Member
    Pay it forward:
    Helped my sister clean her little girls room. Put away summer clothes for winter ones. Took all day!! Now she has a clean room that can be walked around in..She likes to pull al her clothes off the hangers, out of the drawers, and change at least 5 times aday...:heart:

    @nonnalynn- so glad you like the roasted veggies..I'll have to try the frozen broccoli.
  • barkingbetty
    barkingbetty Posts: 347 Member
    Paying it forward:
    I have noticed that more and more people seem like they are in a constant, stressed-out rush. Today I held the door of a store open long enough for a slow-moving older woman to walk all the way from her car. She thanked me profusely and I could tell that she really appreciated the fact that someone was able to pause during their busy day!
  • weefreemen
    weefreemen Posts: 652 Member
    Glad you liked the recipe, walnuts are a great alternative.....

    I tried Grandma Jackie's Pumpkin Cheesecake Muffins..

    I did add a little bit of mace for the pumpkin and used a few crumbles of graham crackers for the bottom rather than vanilla cookies. (Just because I had them in the house)

    They were amazingly delicious, made them for my birthday tea, so lovely to have a nice treat, that was healthy for us.

    Thank you GrandmaJackie! :)

    I tried mailaig's :heart: Toasted Pecans with Cinnamon and Sugar
    BUT....I used walnuts and 3/4 tsp liquid stevia.
    200 calories, 4 carbs, 2 fibre, 6 protein, 20 fat, and 15 Na per 30 grams
    Very tasty.:tongue: I MUST try this with pecans, but all I have is walnuts today.
  • Justacoffeenut
    Justacoffeenut Posts: 3,749 Member
    Pay it forward. So today I saw someone who truly loves to get under my skin. She loves to nit pit the heck out of everything I do. Doesn't matter what. Today she had on a truly nice outfit and it did fit her well. I told her I liked her outfit and how nice she looked in it. I have to say I did get somewhat of a giggle to my self out of the fact that she could of been knocked over with a feather. This is a person who loves to make my life miserable. I don't believe she thought I was going to complement her though I never have retaliated. I normally just walk away. Later on when I ran into her again she thanked me for the complement. I kind of felt bad in a way she didn't know how to act. I told her I was sincere and hoped she had a lovely rest of the day.
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,597 Member
    Glad you liked the recipe, walnuts are a great alternative.....

    I tried Grandma Jackie's Pumpkin Cheesecake Muffins..

    I did add a little bit of mace for the pumpkin and used a few crumbles of graham crackers for the bottom rather than vanilla cookies. (Just because I had them in the house)

    They were amazingly delicious, made them for my birthday tea, so lovely to have a nice treat, that was healthy for us.

    Thank you GrandmaJackie! :)

    I tried mailaig's :heart: Toasted Pecans with Cinnamon and Sugar
    BUT....I used walnuts and 3/4 tsp liquid stevia.
    200 calories, 4 carbs, 2 fibre, 6 protein, 20 fat, and 15 Na per 30 grams
    Very tasty.:tongue: I MUST try this with pecans, but all I have is walnuts today.

    Your welcome glad you enjoyed plus did I miss your birthday! If so Happy Late Birthday!
  • lobstergirl
    lobstergirl Posts: 176 Member
    Mental thing happened after gym on my way home was getting on train and this woman just falls out and smashes her face into an electrical box then falls and smashes her head on a metal step! Both her teeth are smashed out of her head her nose is smashed and she was unconscious on the ground. Me another girl and a lad waited with her for the ambulance and made sure she was alright. It was freezing but we were so relieved when she went to hospital - I so hope she's ok - I found out she works for our forensics unit at Scotland Yard. That was one crazy evening especially as I had already decided that my kind act of the day was giving a girl at the gym a pound for her locker 15 mins earlier! I was on a roll and bought my mum a plant afterwards as well!

    Keep giving ya'll!!

  • jaajh
    jaajh Posts: 1,262 Member
    I spent yesterday with my best friend whose husband has just been fired and they now need to leave here. Very sad, and she and he were very discouraged. Long story and lots of injustice there :explode: , but I was able to spend the afternoon being a listening ear and telling them that the lies spoken about them are untrue (which they really are!!!!) and that they have done so much that is positive here. They said it helped, so I hope that is true. The next 3 weeks (until they leave) is going to be hard and sad :cry: . Paying it on seems to have helped them, but I am feeling more than a little emotional about it all.

    Sorry this isn't a positive pay it on... but I will try to get another one in in the next few days. Will not hitting the people responsible count as being kind??!!
  • usernamekelly1
    usernamekelly1 Posts: 1,941 Member
    I made Sarah (Geckos) No protein powder shake for after my run...

    now I'm in the UK so I don't use cups, I weigh stuff so I thought this would be easiest for me to do :) I used what frozen fruits that I had in... I think I may have made less than Sarah's recipe... but it was filling and very nice

    I used 150grams natural low fat yogurt, 214ml of almond milk and 75 grams of frozen fruit of the forest mix... My recipe turned out at 151cals, 20 cabrs, 8 protein, 3 fat and 227 mg of sodium.

    I really liked it and the yogurt made the shake somewhat smoother so will definitely be having this again.

    This was Sarah's original post

    Well, mine doesn't look quite as nice as this picture -- but I won't be making it again until Monday so wanted to post something enticing anyways! I've been having this for breakfast in place of protein powder shakes as I really can't stand the texture of them. Love starting my day with this!

    Strawberry-Banana Protein Smoothie - no protein powder!

    1 c Dole frozen strawberry banana bland fruit
    1 c Silk TrueAlmond unsweetened vanilla
    3/4 c Presidents Choice Greek Yogurt - 0% MF - Plain
    6 ice cubes

    Blend until smoothie texture.

    240 cals, 35 carbs, 20g protein, 250mg sodium
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    Pay it Forward... I'm always complimenting people, holding doors, and smiling at strangers. That's just who I am and how I was raised. I've always lived by the Golden Rule... To treat others how you want to be treated. Its kinda hard for me to pick 0out specific examples because its so natural for me but one example happened the other day at work. I had an older man sitting at the end of the bar. He was 80 years old and all alone. The bar was fairly empty so I was struggling to find things to do to keep busy. As I was filling his coffee he started to talk. This man talked to me for about an hour about his life experiences, struggles, successes, and everything in between. After our lengthy conversation I actually felt a hodgepodge of emotions... Happy, sad, inspired, spiritual.... the list goes on. This man had a story to tell and I took the time to stop and listen. That made me feel really good.

    Today, I am going to the park to feed the homeless... I've wanted to do this for a while and today I am going. I will repot back regarding that later.
  • barkingbetty
    barkingbetty Posts: 347 Member
    I tried SlimMama's recipe for Baked Oatmeal, and it was yummy! I left off the brown sugar topping to save a few calories and it was still delicious. The eggs give it more texture than regular oatmeal AND adds protein. Thanks for posting this recipe, SlimMama!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I PROMISE to make at least 2 of the recipes on THURSDAY (my day off) and for the pay it forward I always am saying thank you, you look nice, or nice hair cut or color, you do a good job, I could never do this job without you and how I am blessed but you know I found where saying NOTHING at all is sometimes the BEST. Some need a ear to listen but there are some that are sooooooo FULL of drama and themselves that I'd rather say nothing than to lie and say something they want you to agree on!! I went through this yesterday. A staff member is soooo full of herself & I am trying so hard to always be firm but kind to her and yesterday I told her that the new color/cut looked VERY nice on her. Well she went into this drama story of having to switch hairstylist because she felt the stylist did not like her blah blah blah & said she feels EVERYbody should like her! I did not know what to say so I said NOTHING. I KNOW not everybody likes me & I am ok with that cuz you can't please EVERYBODY!
    I hope I have a better pay it forward by Friday!!!!