Weight Gain?



  • PaulaDDN
    PaulaDDN Posts: 162 Member
    sw 158 lbs
    cw 167
    total gain 9 pounds

    im 20 weeks pregnant
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    I'm def expecting a gain on Monday. I didn't get to the gym at all this week to walk.
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    Up 3.8 lbs from last week. I expected a gain, but this ridiculous. I'm hoping at least some of this is water weight from the soduum this weekend. OMG. haha..

    total weight gain at week 20: 6.6 lbs.
  • amyjpage
    amyjpage Posts: 97 Member
    SW: 184.4

    11w: 188.4
    14w3d: 188.6 (+4.2)
    17w1d: 191.5 (+7.1)
    18w4d: 193.2 (+8.8)
    20w0: 194.4 (+10)
    22w1d: 198.4 (+14)

    small jump, added 2lbs per week for the last two weeks. Doctor said this is normal for this stage of pregnancy, as baby practically doubled in size at about the 20-21 week mark. Let's hope it's not a trend and I can resume with the 0.5-1lb per week onwards and to the end!

    You're all doing great ladies, I think most of us are reaching (or just past) the half way marker!
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    This is good to know as i'm in the middle of week 20! Doubling in size! Wow!
  • Nike13
    Nike13 Posts: 122 Member
    I'm at 19weeks and have a total gain of 5lbs. I'm pretty pleased with that considering I actually lost 5lbs back in December after the gestational diabetes scare talk... I'm still not having sugar and ice cream is something I'll only day dream about but I'm now letting myself give in a little more to my cravings. I'm still doing a lot of salad but I'm not feeling quite as guilty if I want to eat a juicy hamburger too.

    Heh we'll see what my doctor says next week about my weight gain. I'm beginning to think I'll get a lecture no matter what my weight is...

    SW: 185lbs
    CW: 190lbs
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    You are doing great Nike!!! Only 5 lbs is awesome.
  • SonaliShukla
    SonaliShukla Posts: 43 Member
    Weighed in today.I am 19+4 days today and weigh 8 pounds up from my prepregnancy weight.Gained almost 5.5 pounds in the last 2 weeks itself. Weight gain seems to be on an icreasing trend once i crossed the 18th week mark.Dont know how I would be able to manage within 20 pounds up in total till the end.I also ate twice out in the last 2 weeks which means it might be due to sodium as well.
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    I totally understand! I am stressing big time. I know I am going to gain, but every time I get on the scale it's these HUGE jumps. I only weigh once a week and 2 of my weigh in's have been over 3 lbs each. Holy cow!

    This week my gain was 3.8 but with the super bowl and all the eating out I did I thought some of it would drop off.. plus TMI I'd been really backed up. So this AM since my backed up issue was gone, I thought i'd jump on the scale.. up another LB from Monday!

    I've never been super OCD about my weight, but I am slightly obsessed I think. I am so worried I am going to "over gain".

    I'm really trying to find balance between eating enough to fill me up and not trying to get upset about gains.
  • TimeToLoseBelly
    TimeToLoseBelly Posts: 51 Member
    HI,i am happy to see a group for pregnant women.My Due is on july 29th .

    Pre-pregnancy weight: 137.7 pounds

    8 weeks : 133 pounds

    15 weeks : 137.7 pounds (pretty gud so far)

    I just started going to gym and am walking in a slow pace.Just wondering wat kind of exercise others are doing?
  • cleaneater80
    cleaneater80 Posts: 461 Member
    While I understand everyone will gain at different rates and amounts I haven't been cringing at the sight of the scale. I'l actually curious how my body will change and adapt to this pregnancy. I've been active swimming and walking and feeling really good.

    Week 23 - up 10 lbs

    Interesting though is that I've averaged 1 lbs a week gain since Christmas. My apetite has definetly gone up and know baby is on a big growth spurt

    Keep positive
  • SW: 162.3
    8W: 166.1 (+4)
    11W: 167.1 (+1)
    14W: 169.2 (+2)
    17W: 175.2 (+6)
    20W: 179.2 (+4)
    23W: 183 (+4)

    Total of 21 pounds up! Yikes! But what am I supposed to do when I'm still hungry?

    My mom told me a couple days ago that she gained 35 pounds with all of her kids and lost 25 by the next day... that made me feel a little bit better.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    22 weeks now. I continued to lose weight until 2 weeks ago. Then, suddenly, my weight jumped dramatically in the last two weeks. Baby growth spurt? Morning sickness has finally stopped and I am sure it going to be all weight gain from here on out. Currently still at a negative from prepregnancy.
  • cleaneater80
    cleaneater80 Posts: 461 Member
    Don't stress yourself out too much Tigger - first not good for baby to have a stressed out mom and second if your not taking in enough calories your baby will be taking nourishment from your bones, organs, teeth ect. which in the future can bring long lasting problems. One other thing is you don't want a low birth weight baby - this has it's own set of potential problems.

    Now that you can tolerate food eat when your hungry bc you may be ravenous every few hours and take it easy. Your body went through a lot these last 20+ weeks growing your little one now you can start to enjoy it.
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    Starting weight at Pregnancy: 157lbs
    Lost weight consistently until I hit 151 lbs and stayed there to week 14.
    Week 16: 156.8
    Week 17: 157.0
    Week 18: 160.2 eek!! (+3.2)
    Week 19: 159.8 (-0.4 from last week)
    Week 20: 163.6 (+3.8 from last week)
    Week 21: 164.2 (+0.6 from last week)

    Total Gain So far: 7.2 lbs
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Weigh in at doctor's office today says I am up 12lbs from last month. Doctor isn't concerned at all though. Currently at negative 5 from prepregnancy. I am 22 weeks.
  • SonaliShukla
    SonaliShukla Posts: 43 Member
    The fact that all of us are here on this forum will make us come back to our originals.I am sure all of you have enough willpower to shed those extra pounds later.The only thing is lets keep logging in!!!
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    Starting weight at Pregnancy: 157lbs
    Lost weight consistently until I hit 151 lbs and stayed there to week 14.
    Week 16: 156.8
    Week 17: 157.0
    Week 18: 160.2 eek!! (+3.2)
    Week 19: 159.8 (-0.4 from last week)
    Week 20: 163.6 (+3.8 from last week)
    Week 21: 164.2 (+0.6 from last week)
    Week 22: 165.6 (+1.4 from last week)

    Total Gain So far: 8.6 lbs
    GOAL: Only gain 25 Lbs during pregnancy.
  • amyjpage
    amyjpage Posts: 97 Member
    SW: 184.4

    11w: 188.4
    14w3d: 188.6 (+4.2)
    17w1d: 191.5 (+7.1)
    18w4d: 193.2 (+8.8)
    20w0: 194.4 (+10)
    22w1d: 198.4 (+14)
    24w3d: 199.6 (+15.2)

    Total gain so far: 15.2lbs ... feeling good about this :)
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    Highest Weight Ever:178lbs
    Starting weight at Pregnancy: 157lbs
    Lost weight consistently until I hit 151 lbs and stayed there to week 14.
    Week 16: 156.8
    Week 17: 157.0
    Week 18: 160.2 eek!! (+3.2)
    Week 19: 159.8 (-0.4 from last week)
    Week 20: 163.6 (+3.8 from last week)
    Week 21: 164.2 (+0.6 from last week)
    Week 22: 165.6 (+1.4 from last week)
    Week 23: 167.2 (+1.6 from last week)

    Total Gain So far: 10.2 lbs
    GOAL: Only gain 25 Lbs during pregnancy.