Savas15 Posts: 15 Member
Hello Everyone!!! My name is Savas and I am a 24 year-old occupational therapy student in MA. I have been on and off of MFP for the last year. I lost a significant amount of weight during my first 3 months on MFP and then decided to focus on adding some muscle mass. I workout 4 to 5 times per week. I need some motivation to reach my goal weight and will be glad to motivate others.


  • pmd15098
    pmd15098 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi everyone! I am Paige a 23yr old ready to conquer this beast we call weight loss. I actually just started doing more purposeful weight training. I am buying the book "New Rules of Lifting for Women", I am totally stoked! Can't wait for results. I eat clean and definitely train hard so anyone who wants to add me can if they want some encouragement and motivation.

    I have a blog as well it is : :happy:

    Never mind the weird code stuff at the top of each post, I can't get it to go away.

    I hope to be an encouragement to all.

    Let's do this thing!
  • Hey everyone I'm Jessica and I am 24. I have being working out very hard lifting weights and I have seeing a difference in my body. I'm not to where I want to be..I was consuming about 1894 calories. My personal trainer told me to consume 1500 I'm having a very hard time without being hungry. I hope we can all motivate each other with our goals!!