Anyone else not as happy as they thought they would be?

I posted this in the discussion in the Fit Pregnancy one and then realized about this Group! So I'm just copying and pasting:

#3 for me. I had a June 2011 baby and a Jan 2013 baby. So we'll have 3 under 3. We were trying and I was excited and that has seemed to fade with my daughter increasing her wake ups from 1-2 times a night to 4-5 times a night, though she is finally getting better. I need to get more excited. I feel bad that I'm not happier. Just the tiredness has taken its toll. My husband is excited and I am bringing us down. Why can't I get happier about this??? This is our last pregnancy.

Anyone else going through these emotions? Any advice? I'm on Reglan to help with my milk supply (I am still breastfeeding and my supply dropped a few days before I found out I was pregnant). I have no sex drive and I'm wondering if I'm depressed. I don't know. I want to be happier. I am getting out of the house with baby groups, I am taking them on walks. There's no excuse.

Oh yeah, due May 18th (I think it's a couple days later than it should be but I never got a period, so based solely on ultrasound). My 30th birthday is May 31st and I am determined to be home by then. I have late babies though. My son was 13 days late WITH an induction that took 2 days. My daughter I went naturally 6 days late. Please send me pre due date vibes. I don't want to see my due date come and go with this one!


  • katarina236
    katarina236 Posts: 40 Member
    This is number three with me too and I am not feeling the glowy lovey feelings that I had felt with my first two. Partly I think it is because I feel as if I just got to know my new healthy body and now the baby has taken over and I don't know what is going on! lol. Also I am feeling way more tired and nauseated with this one as well as ZERO sex drive (poor hubby). Every one I have spoken with says that after the first three months it should get better. I hope so because it is seriously starting to depress me. Before I was running three miles a day and now I can't even make my kids a sandwich without throwing up!
  • MommyisFit
    MommyisFit Posts: 139 Member
    This is also my 3rd child. I am due May 5th and I am just now feeling so much better. The exhaustion was harder for me this time around because I am older and already have 2 children to take care of, Being tired really affects your mood.

    Hang in there. I am sure your mood will improve once you get into your 2nd trimester, just a few short weeks from now. In the meantime, try to eat healthy and be as active as your body allows. As these things are also helpful with your mood.
  • stephysd
    stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
    Not feeling that way with this pregnancy, but most definately did with Pregnancy #2. I was in the middle of planning our wedding when I found out that I was pregnant, which came as a complete surprise as I was on birth control. I know it's not 100% effective, but just was not what I was expecting. Then when I found out that I was due 2 weeks before the wedding date all I could do was cry for weeks and weeks. I was so angry that this baby was taking away my wedding as we had decided to postpone it. After about a month of 'poor me' and the holidays passed (which I always get severely depressed in November and December) things started to look up and I got excited.

    I agree with MommyisFit that things will probably start improving during the second trimester when you just feel better overall. Best of luck!! Maybe at your next doctor appointment mention your thoughts and questions about depression and see what they think.
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    Thank you so much ladies. I'm glad I'm not alone, and that my feelings are valid. I agree with second trimester, more energy, less nausea (though it's mostly gone), hopefully an increased or at least slightly normal sex drive, I just don't remember the depression as much.
    Katarina - I too feel like I just got my body back, but honestly I got this body back in prep for the next baby partly. At least this time I am sure I can lose the weight again, I just did it, I lost 58 lbs, so I will do it again if I need to. I would like to lose another 10 after the baby weight too, then I will finally be at my ideal (and married weight, though it's been 10 years since then). I hope your throwing up ends soon. That must be miserable!
    Mommyisfit - I am glad to know you are feeling better, I hope I will be in the same position soon. The first time around I was working, adn that was hard, but I could sleep when I got home from work! Then taking care of one was hard, but he was a good sleeper and napper, so I at least had plenty of rest. Taking care of 2 is a whole different ball game! My youngest is still not a good sleeper and I feel like they are running me ragged. I knew it would be hard, but I didn't expect this hard. I have been improving my eating which has been easier since I've been feeling better, and getting more active.
    stephysd - I would have been terribly upset about a postponed wedding too! I would NOT have expected to get pregnant on birth control! That must have been such a shock! I do plan on bringing up my feelings with my doctor, but my next appt isn't until the 13th, but if I feel worse I am going to call and make a sooner appt. Hopefully my mood will lift over the next week, but like you, the holidays get to me too. Hopefully this year with the excitement for the kids things will not be as stressful. Hopefully.