Olympics in 100 days, up for an exercise challenge?

dward59 Posts: 731 Member
While on the treadmill tonight the newscaster announced it is only 100 days until the start of the 2014 Olympic games. While I maybe used to eat like an Olympian, I've never amounted to much of an athlete (12 oz curls aside.) I thought back to Mark's challenge a while back, a week with adding a simple 10% to whatever you were doing. Now I thought about extending that challenge through the weeks and months until the start of the games.

Here is what I propose: Take an exercise, or set of exercises if you do more than one, a great idea there, but I digress; Say walking for the first two weeks you take your pace. Are you walking at 2 mph for 20 minutes? If that is your average start there, then the next two weeks add two minutes to your time. You will walk at 2 mph for 22 minutes. The next two weeks, you add another two minutes so you are at 24. The next two you add three minutes (yes, I know you would still be slightly under 3 if you add 2.4 and if you really don't feel like you can add the three, add another two OR keep it at 24 minutes but speed up to 2.5 mph for as long as you can.

This is YOUR goal, or set of goals. There is just over 14 weeks until the start of the games, so 7 sets of two weeks each. At the end of 14 weeks, you should be close to doubling your time or speed, or at least increased both.

So, what do you think? Can you make the extra time for you, or if you don't have the time, can you actively work at increasing the speed of your cardio or the weight of your lifting? This can be as individualized as you are. You can play for some or all of the periods, but I can guarantee you one thing; do this smart - don't push until you hurt yourself, but still push yourself, you WILL feel better at the end of this time.

So, Any takers?


  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    Exercise - Chest Press
    Start Date: 10/30

    Cycle Starting Date: 10/30
    Cycle End Date: 11/13

    Starting 25lbs, 25 reps, 3 times per week.

    This is one of my two weakest lifts. I'm mortified that is all I can lift on the chest press when on the circuit training, but it can only get better if I work at it.
  • Oh_Allie
    Oh_Allie Posts: 258 Member
    I'm in for this!

    I've been slowly increasing my pace and time on the treadmill. A few weeks ago, I was doing 2.0-2.4 mph for about 10 minutes twice a week. A couple weeks ago, I started doing 2.2-2.6 mph for 15-20 minutes three times a week. This week I started doing 2.4-3.0 mph for 25 minutes four times a week.

    Over the next 100 days, I'd like to work towards maintaining 3.0 (brisk walk pace) - 4.0 mph (fast walk pace) for 60 minutes five times a week.
  • Sounds like a great 100 challange... :)

    Execise: walking 2 x 20 minutes @ 2 mph

    In 2 weeks I would like to make that 2 x 25 minutes @ 2 mph

    (I can do 3 but I am still recovering from being sick)

    I also hope in the next month that I will have my treadmill I have been saving for.. Which will make this easier to monitor :)
  • I'm totally in!

    I just restarted using the stationary bike in my house. I've been doing 20 minutes at level 4 intensity which for me equals approximately 4.4 miles. I will increase by 2 minutes every 2 weeks. I will also be doing Zumba on the side. I don't know if I will increase my time, however, I might try the more advanced workouts as time progresses!
  • katelynal
    katelynal Posts: 114
    Count me in!

    I am using my elliptical 3 times a week for 20 minutes at 3.5 mph, lowest resistance. This is an awesome challenge! I have had all kinds of intentions to increase my time, but just haven't followed through. I will increase by 2 minutes after 2 weeks, etc.

    I really need this push to keep moving during the winter months :love:
  • 808malia
    808malia Posts: 631 Member
    I'm in :) I am starting my elliptical run at a level 10 resistance for 45min, hope to be at level 11 and 50min in a few weeks :) Great challenge idea Dan!
  • mdgivens
    mdgivens Posts: 206 Member
    Perfect timing, Dan! I just finished my Couch to 5K plan and I'm now working on exactly what this is about: running faster and doing more.

  • just_jess7
    just_jess7 Posts: 271 Member
    I'm in! I want to work on increasing the amount of time I can spend at a higher intensity on the bike.

    Exercise - Stationary bike

    Starting: 2 minutes at level 15

    For the first 2 weeks I want to work on increasing the time by 30 seconds every 2 workouts. We'll see after that!
  • Okay 1 week in I can say i increased my time from 2 x 20 min walks to 2 x 22.5 min and this week I am bumping up to 2 x 25 minutes.... I already have a plan to increase speed/distance for the next two weeks following this...

    I like this it really made me think how much harder I could push myself!!!
  • 808malia
    808malia Posts: 631 Member
    Ok, so I have decided to take this challenge to another level... I am going to challenge myself to lose 10% of my body weight by the end of this challenge, which I believe is Feb.6th? So my current weight is 228 x.1= 22.8 lbs to lose by Feb.6th which is 7.6lbs a month.... Sounds like a do-able challenge for me, Any one else want in? Feel free :smokin:
  • Wow that is a great goal :)

    I'm not going to join that I am working slow but steady

    I am doing 2x 25 min walks this week at 2 mph and it is great.. I can feel the difference. Today my second walk will be replaced with sorting and unpacking boxes for a fundraiser... I won't have enough time to do both because the fundraiser will be most the afternoon and basically all the evening :)

    I am enjoying this :)
  • So this last week I have been working on consistent speed and I am hitting the 2.5 mph but not hitting the full 50 minutes! Next week I will get it up there no problem...

    Is anyone else still working on this?
  • So as of tomorrow I will be doing 26 minutes on the bike.. I am averaging between 4.8 and 5.3 miles. On my more ambitious days, usually once or twice a week, I do 30 minutes and that gets me between 6.2 and 6.4miles. Its getting easier to do. I am watching tv and reading magazines while I bike so the time goes pretty quick!
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    Exercise - Chest Press
    Start Date: 10/30

    Cycle Starting Date: 10/30
    Cycle End Date: 11/30

    Starting 25lbs, 25 reps, 3 times per week.

    This is one of my two weakest lifts. I'm mortified that is all I can lift on the chest press when on the circuit training, but it can only get better if I work at it.

    Finish for this month at 40 lbs. still not impressive, but much improved.

    Time left until Olympics: 68 days

    Next cycle. 12/01 to 12/15 Increase weight by 7.5 lbs, the next step up on the Cybex machines at the gym.
  • Gnawcraft
    Gnawcraft Posts: 783 Member
    Everyone here is doing so well, I'm so impressed with everyone! I've had a slack 2 weeks and am getting back into gear exercise wise. I'll be on my bike in about 15 minutes though hehe.
  • Everything is going really well! I am up to 26 minutes from 20 minutes and I feel good and proud! :happy:
  • Great job everyone :) I missed a bit but I'm here now...

    I was up to 2.5 mph but I am not sure where I am today from all the stresses I have not walked since shopping and I must add i managed to do at the pace of my skinny fit friend so I feel awesome only once did I sit out and that was from the crowds not the walking! So today I just don't have time but tomorrow morning I am going to get back into my walking trying to get to 1 hour @3 mph