Jdaley90 Bulking Log



  • yogaga1
    yogaga1 Posts: 182 Member
    Hurray for more booty & power! My favorite parts of bulking!! :) LOL
  • jdaley90
    jdaley90 Posts: 259 Member

    I'm feeling slimmer these days and better about myself! No idea why and I haven't weighed myself. I'm too lazy to go into the other room with the scale, I guess ignorance is bliss! During the week I'm doing pretty well but during the weekends I just don't bother to log :)

    Tonight I start my 2nd cycle of 5/3/1. I'm really excited to see what this cycle brings with the numbers I achieved in the last.

    Also... an early Happy Thanksgiving to all! What a great opportunity to stuff ourselves and not feel bad about it ;) I plan to hit the gym tonight, Tuesday before work, Wednesday before work, and Friday during the day (I'm off hooray!). Thursday no working out shall be done but I figured running around for 6 hours cooking covers it :)
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Great attitude and wonderful job on the lifting numbers! Have a great holiday!
  • jdaley90
    jdaley90 Posts: 259 Member
    Wow it's been a while since I updated this thread.

    To recap Nov 25-last week. Holidays were all good. I had my family home with so all meal planning went to s***. While they were home I also had my scale taken from me so I basically didn't weigh myself.. at all. Prior to that I had been holding steady at 134 after putting on the initial 10 lbs very very quickly. I didn't log food for the entire month of December.

    So, last week my family left and I got my act together. Stepped on the scale and was 138.6. That's the highest I've ever weighed. Going to lie.. it freaked me out!!

    But then I did measurements and it's not so bad after all, so I wanted to share...

    8/31/13 - 1/4/14
    Chest: 30.5" - 32.75", +2.25"
    Waist: 24" - 26.5", +2.5"
    Arm: 10.5" - 12", +1.5"
    Hips: 37" - 40.5", +3.5"
    Thigh: 19.5" - 22", +2.5"
    Weight: 119.8lbs - 138.6lbs, +18.8lbs

    BF% (Calc'd using calipers and 7 site fold test): 16.53% - 21.73%, +5.2%
    LBM: 99.99lbs - 108.48lbs, +8.49lbs
    Fat: 19.8lbs - 30.11lbs, +10.31lbs

    I'm going to continue to eat a maintenance, add in some HIIT training a couple of times per week, to try and get rid of some of the fat. A group of folks at work is doing a biggest loser contest and the person who won last year only lost 4 lbs but did more on the BF% and won $750.. that's worth a try! My attitude is more of 'if it happens, great, if not, oh well!'

    Going through this process I've learned A LOT. I was so scared and still don't know why I put on 10lbs in the last 4 weeks. I'm PR'ing lifts EVERY week on 5/3/1 and I LOVE IT! I've also had a lot of first.. I ripped my first shirtin the sleeve and got asked if I was preggo for the first time. Although I have days where I feel really fat and uncomfortable most of the time I'm very happy in my skin.
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    Wow, that is awesome! I especially love your firsts! Not sure why you gained 10 lbs in the last 4 weeks either, but I know you'll drop the extra weight no problem :heart:
  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    That's a great update! I especially love the part where you (mostly) feel great in your own skin. That's not always easy for a lot of us so I love hearing when women do.
  • jdaley90
    jdaley90 Posts: 259 Member
    It was basically in the first 4 weeks I gained the 10 lbs. 8/31/13 I was 119.8 and then I got sick and went on vacation until 10/12/13. When I got back from vacation I was 125.4 which I was totally fine with and assumed that was extra water weight blah blah blah. Then I shot up to 134 in the 4 weeks after that so Mid Oct-Mid Nov. I think I held at 134 from mid November to beginning of December and then in December I put on another 4 lbs which was totally fine cos of the extra eating and it was only 1lb/week.

    Next time I bulk though I'll know better and when starting will perhaps trying eating at maintenance for a couple weeks first. I had been at a deficit for SO long that I guess it must have messed with my body a lot?
  • 89nunu
    89nunu Posts: 1,082 Member
    If you jumped straight from cut to bulk your body might just have been shocked because of all the extra food. Also you would have replenished your glycogen stores wich would account for 2-5 lbs of the initial jump.

    Good luck on the cutting :)