Hi Everyone

Hi All,

Im Roxann and i just joined the group and the myfitnesspal site.

Im a 51 yo M2F transsexual in transition. Have been on HRT for 16 mo now and living as a woman full time for 4 mo.

Trying to reshape my body to get a more feminine appearance. New eating habits are part of the plain the other is gym time.

I would be very interested in meeting other trans people here be it M2F or F2M if anyone has any helpful tips on exercises to help shape me properly iI would love to hear from you :)



  • Kabiti
    Kabiti Posts: 191 Member
    Hi! I'm pre-HRT, so I may not be able to help you with that, but I can certainly support your progress!

    I'm 35 MTF and starting anti androgens in December (right after Christmas) if all goes well.

    My current diet has worked wonders. I dropped 40 lbs since August 5th.. though remember that I'm still poisoned with T (it's good for something ;). I am not exercising at the moment, but I want to add it and I'm having a hard time fitting it in. I will not be doing any weights before I'm on spiro for a few months (with little T in the bloodwork). I start E in May / June if I stick to that schedule... my living arrangements may dictate some of that, though it's hard to say either way...

    I have 3 kids and a wife... we're slowly working toward divorce, since she has no interest in working it out (I'm sad, disappointed, but not surprised). That will start in January and I'll find an apartment & move out when it is complete. If we need to sell the house, that will complicate things (my wife is interested in keeping it).