Questions from a noob :)

gwenr Posts: 139 Member
Okay, I just purchased a cheapo treadmill on Amazon for $200 and modified it based on some instructions I found on the internet...I didn't want to invest a lot of money until I figured out if this would work for me. Well, it's been a week and I love it. So....what I want to know is.

What model TM desk do you have?
What speed works for you?
How much time do you spend per day walking?
Would a fitbit record my steps so I could get a good count (thinking of getting one)?



  • captmiddy
    captmiddy Posts: 147 Member
    1. I have a Lifespan Fitness DT-5 with the Treadmill that came with it (rated at 6 hrs per day).
    2. When I started out, I was doing 1.5 MPH, now I do 2.4 MPH for most meetings (and right this second) and 2.1 MPH if I am really trying to type a lot.
    3. I walk between 2.5 and 4 hours a day on mine typically.
    4. I wear a FitBit One all day and it is within about 20 or so steps (after 10k) of what the treadmill records. I wouldn't use a Flex though as the wrist ones will likely not record as your hands may be held too stable when you are typing.

    FYI 90% of my exercise for the last 10 months has been on my treadmill desk. This isn't saying you should only do this, but my progress has been because of this completely. If I had more time I would go to the gym and do that stuff as well but work keeps me real busy.
  • gwenr
    gwenr Posts: 139 Member
    Thank you so much for all the info!! This is exactly what I was looking for. Esp the stuff about the FitBit One vs. the you, I've found that most of the time my hands are moving just to type where if I'm reading something on the screen they're resting on my desk.

    I just noticed that you've lost 90 pounds...great job! That's amazing!
  • rachmass1
    rachmass1 Posts: 470 Member
    Hi, I have a Precore and walk at about 1.5-2 mph depending on how my back/hip feels (used to walk at 2-2.3 mph but lately started hurting). I walk about 5-6 hours a day and carry a fitbit one on my pants pocket. I believe it is accurate. I have had a treadmill desk for almost two years. Started out a a lower speed and just a couple hours a day. You want to ease into it or might regret it later.
  • gwenr
    gwenr Posts: 139 Member
    Hi Rachmass, I'm on my 12th day and I'm still loving're right about starting slow....I overdid it a few times and wiped myself out! Oddly enough it's the same feeling I got almost 20 years ago when I went from being a FT waitress to being a FT desk jockey. I remember my body hurting from sitting all day until I got used to it.

    I'm really in the groove now...I've been able to do about 2 hours a day at 2.5 MPH and 2 hours a day at 2 MPH comfortably. I do have long legs and have always exercised so I was in pretty good shape to begin with. I cannot believe how great I feel physically and mentally from not sitting all day!

    TY for the info about the Fitbit One...seems to be working for both you and CaptM, which is really good to know. Now I REALLY want one!!
  • rachmass1
    rachmass1 Posts: 470 Member
    As you walk on a treadmill, you have a built-in way to gauge the accuracy of the fifbit. You will need to calibrate your fit bit to your stride, but that is very easy to do with the treadmill to doublecheck the actual distance. Congratulations on your move to the walking work world. It is definitely the way to go!
  • gwenr
    gwenr Posts: 139 Member
    I totally agree that it's the way to go!! I can't believe how much better I feel. It's making so much more of a difference in my body and state of mind than my 45 min lunchtime runs EVER did.
  • rachmass1
    rachmass1 Posts: 470 Member
    It's been a month now. How are you finding the desk?
  • gwenr
    gwenr Posts: 139 Member
    Sorry I just saw this! It's great! Don't get me wrong, sometimes by the end of the day I feel like chucking the thing out the window but by the next morning I'm raring to go again. I asked for a fitbit one for christmas, but husb bought me the flex without realizing there was a difference between them - yes, he also gave it to me early. So, i've been using that for about 2 weeks, with it around my ankle while at my TM desk, and I'm easily getting 25,000 steps a day. The challenge for me has been maintaining that high step count over the weekend. The flex is making me constantly concious to keep moving. I love to challenge myself from day to day.

    How many steps do you average?