New to Team UK

ChrisM8971 Posts: 1,067 Member
Hi All,

Just joined Team UK yesterday after reading a post in the forums that mentioned it.

I am 5'10" and was 238 lbs when I started here about 80 days ago and am currently (as of last Sunday) just under 208 lbs. I used the MFP guidelines to start with and lost really heavy at the beginning but I have not reset my MFP calories lower as I lost weight and now lose about 1.5 to 2 lbs per week (set for 1.5 lbs) so I eat around 1600 calories per day, although I have now changed my carb, protein, fat ratio to 45/25/30 which fits my eating habits better than the low protein that MFP sets

Hope everyone had a great Halloween yesterday and is ready for the Christmas rush hitting the shops today :happy:


  • Congatulations on your loss so far, I wish you continued success. :bigsmile:
  • Hi there,

    I've just started after a bit of a break from the site at 238 pounds so your loss is motivational. Congratulations. feel free to add me. My list of friends is lacking Brits
  • samgolod
    samgolod Posts: 93 Member
    Hi there- feel free to add me, I'm from Hastings and trying to maintain/keep fit after 44lb loss
  • Dieting_Jen23
    Dieting_Jen23 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi and welcome! Feel free to add me - lost about 30lb so far, with another 20 to go I reckon. You've done amazingly well so far...keep it up!
  • Fatguy2Fitguy
    Fatguy2Fitguy Posts: 129 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me, theres lots of great supporters out there, I really find it helps!

    Any other UK people feel free to add me (if you're around Herts/N London even better). I need some more quality friends to help motivate me (Kick my *kitten*!). Always there to support others, as you get out what you put in!
  • Newbeginnings46
    Newbeginnings46 Posts: 40 Member
    Well done. I've just started on here too please feel free to add. Have a great evening.