Like the title and premise of many people don't know the difference between "working out" and "pushing the limits (SAFELY!!):mad:


  • KoolKatJack93
    Exactly! Come on everyone,this is the Fitness Mafia! Thanks for joining it! :devil:
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    I agree about the group's title and premise! I finished month one of Insanity (like a boss! :tongue:), and then a couple days into my recovery week, I got sick and have been out of my routine for a couple of weeks. I tried working out and taking it easy at the beginning, but I couldn't go 5 minutes without coughing for another 5-10 minutes, so I figured I should take a break. :grumble:

    Monday will be the day I'm supposed to start month two, so hopefully this group will help me get back to really pushing myself and making myself be better than I was the day before.
  • KoolKatJack93
    Nice Job! You can do it! I think it's time we had a group that pushes each other! Enough with the other groups sweet talking one another.
    Vacation time is over everybody,It's time to get on moving
    Thanks for joining bookworm_847!
  • chazzi1969
    Hi, I'm ready to get it done!! I just joined this group and am commited to getting really fit, pushing the envelope and building muscle. I currently workout about 5 times a week approx 1-1 1/2 hours and have started increasing on the muscle build side, by increasing the weights I use considerably. Can anyone recommend a training program they are using or have tried where I can follow a good routine and achieve a lean sculpted physique?

  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Good for you, Chazzi!

    A lot of people on MFP recommend Strong Lifts, Starting Strength, and New Rules of Lifting. I bought the New Rules of Lifting for Women book. There's a lot of good information in there, but the program itself didn't hold my interest. After I finish Insanity, I'm going to try an Insanity/strength hybrid with one of the other programs. I believe you can get Strong Lifts for free online.
  • chazzi1969
    Thank you, I downloaded the book. Also, thought I would share, I found this site and there are also downloadable workouts there and you can choose what you would like to focus on. I downloaded a program there and plan to start Monday.

    Have worked out twice this week so far and muscles are hurting and stiff, but it's that "good" kinda hurt!!