What I am wearing the 50th Anniversary Special in Chicago

I don't have pictures yet because it's not done, but I have designed a Doctor Who lab coat. On my left chest will be 'Doctor Who, MD', right chest 'Gallifrey Medical Group', left sleeve gets a patch of the original Doctor Who logo, right sleeve gets a patch of the Seal of Rassilon, and on the upper back is a patch of the Doctor's name in Gallifreyan. :happy: I will post picture in a couple of weeks once my last patch arrives.

What are you wearing?

I will also keep my sonic screwdriver in my breast pocket and I am going to decorate my stethoscope with something, but I am not sure what yet.


  • TheFairyJester
    well being that it is on a saturday I will be wearing black scrub pants. a t shirt, maybe i will plan it to be one of my DH ones. and my Pets mart grooming jacke LOL

    I will be working.
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,653 Member
    I'm wearing my very subtle, only DW will know what it means, shirt that Smith written on the top over the number 11.

    This is also is protest in case...um...things happen. :smile:
  • musiqueange
    musiqueange Posts: 64 Member
    I'll be wearing comfortable clothes because I'll be stuck at an airport when it airs the first time. T_T

    ...But when I go to the 3D showing at a local theatre I'll probably wear my River Song dress or a Who tshirt. :))
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,653 Member
    I'm wearing my very subtle, only DW will know what it means, shirt that Smith written on the top over the number 11.

    This is also is protest in case...um...things happen. :smile:

    Ok, for some reason I can't edit my post and all the missing and missused words are bugging me. How early did I post this?!


    I'm wearing my very subtle, only DW fans will know what it means, shirt with Smith written on the top over the number 11.

    This is also in protest in case...um...things happen. :smile:

    I feel better now. :smile:

    This will be on the 25th tho when I see it in the theatre. Maybe I'll break out my outline of a screwdriver with "sonic" written in the middle t-shirt for when I watch it home alone on the 23rd.