Lunchtime!! Tuna Salad recipe

kariduane Posts: 27 Member
Hope to see as many folks as possible on the morning bike ride tomorrow. How about a great lunch afterwards! Here is one of my favorites and it is simple! Enjoy!

Light tuna, drained if canned in water (or use easy open foil packets)
Balsamic vinegar
Ground pepper
Celery, finely chopped
Red onion, minced
Other optional vegetables: tomatoes, carrots, bell peppers (chopped) Red grapes, halved
Walnuts, finely chopped
Fresh or dried thyme
Vegenaise or other heart-healthy mayonnaise (optional)
Dijon mustard
Mixed field greens
In medium bowl, mix tuna with next ingredients (except mayonnaise, mustard and greens) until evenly blended.
Add in mayonnaise and Dijon mustard to moisten ingredients to your liking.
Add tuna salad mix to bed of mixed greens and enjoy!


  • CarolAceituno
    Add a touch of chili powder and cumin ....delicious. Never thought to add walnuts. Yum.