18 Days Post-Op - On Day 11 of Stall :(



  • trying2gethealthy
    So glad to have come across this post. I just joined MFP last night, in despair. I feel exactly the same sentiments that your husband had said about "losing 85% of your stomach to lose 20lbs". That's right where I am at, and I tell ya, the frustration is mounting. I am 20 days post op, and my stall began 6 days ago. I walk each day, drink plenty of fluids, but I know my protein is terribly low. I never heard of hitting a stall in all of the courses and seminars my insurance made me go through, I am disappointed that I cant even take a bite of food yet even if I tried. I'm in the mushy foods stage. I am thankful to have read all the posts on here and hopefully, this will pass. I am trusting everyone and going with it. At this point, its not like I can do much about my situation :)
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,707 Member
    I've hit a 5 day stall, first time in months it seems, what a coincidence. Used to it now. Not frustrated (yet). Looking forward to the drop when it comes.

    But this might mess with my efforts to get into the hundreds by Xmas... Ten pounds in three weeks - gonna be tight. By the way , there's a fun group who are losing weight together each week:
    Group: Let's Lose100+!
    Thread: Daunting December WL Challenge
  • jennielou75
    jennielou75 Posts: 197 Member
    I never stalled the whole way through my main weight loss. Really wish I had tho as it would help me deal with the reality of hitting goal 7lbs before I wanted to and the experience of watching the scales hover around, going up a pound and down a pound!!! It seemed so easy when the weight was just dropping off but now I have to fight it and its a struggle. Just like every 'normal' person who wants to lose half a stone I guess!
  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    "but I know my protein is terribly low"

    Looks like you self identified your major problem. You MUST get the protein or your body goes into starvation mode and stores fats/fluids. Do whatever you have to to increase protein intake above 60 grams and you will be very surprised and happy with teh results. I reccomend trying Isopure clear protein drinks. Many flavors, all taste different to different people. Try them to find one you like. 20oz bottle, 40 grams of protein. GNC has the for about $4 a bottle. Drink 1 per day until food intake gets you over 60 grams. I still drink 3-4 per week to spot boost. Sleeved 9/16, down 68 lbs.
  • ponyannie
    ponyannie Posts: 6 Member
    I am in a bariatric surgery support group, and they have talked about the stalls as common. They say you will eventually return to a good weight loss, and that it is just part of the body re-adjusting to its new size.
  • fallingwave
    fallingwave Posts: 108 Member
    We're pretty similar.

    Today is day 20 for me. Sleeved on 11/22. I have lost a total of 25 so far, 9 was from pre-op diet.

    The last week or so I've lost and gained the same two pounds. I'm trying so hard to focus on the long term outcome by viewing people's before and after. I even created one of my own and I can see a difference. I also feel great! Who knew that no I could function on no caffeine?! LOL
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Protein and water. I hit my wt loss goals only when I hit my protein and water goals. Starvation mode just converts so much food to fat.