Post Baby Exercise

How soon after baby is born can I start walking/ walking on elliptical? I know most say 6 weeks for actual exercise but do I have to wait that long after to just do walking and the elliptical in moderation? I really would like to start as soon as I can.



  • crystalirene12
    crystalirene12 Posts: 58 Member
  • momRN2B
    momRN2B Posts: 247 Member
    regular walking you can do right away the ellipitical I think may have to wait a bit. Ask your Dr. about it.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    its going to depend on how delivery goes, with my first baby I had 17 stitches and took me a few months to begin running again. With my 3rd I had 1 stitch (she was small) and I began running 3 weeks post partum, however a small hernia prevented me from lifting again a bit longer. Listen to your body and talk to your doc!
    I don't see any reason to think you cannot begin walking when you feel up to it...... I took my little girl on a hike when she was a week old =)
  • mkcolombia
    mkcolombia Posts: 71 Member
    I was taking my son on very short walks at a week. I slowly increased distance without pushing myself until I felt ready. I didnt start running until about 4-5 weeks.
  • laurab1217
    laurab1217 Posts: 123 Member
    I started doing very slow walks about 2 weeks pp (only down one street and back) and as I gained strength gradually increased my walks but still at an easy birth takes a lot out of you and you will probably not be physically able to do an elliptical until 6 weeks pp...I had a lot of stitches (not sure how many because I was afraid to ask, but I had one of the worst tears you could have) but I was still able to start jogging at about 5 weeks pp....just take it easy and listen to your body (and your doctor)...even after you have been cleared you still may feel like you need to wait a little while...even though I jogged through 32 weeks and took long walks/did light cardio up until delivery, labor/delivery took a lot out of me....your bladder control may not be the same at first and take that as a cue that you are doing too much...little by little you will get there and trust me it IS possible to work out like before, but you have to give your body time to heal...I would say that by 4 months pp I was back to doing intense cardio/longer runs and felt like normal. Now at 6 months pp I feel great!
  • kristinc06837
    kristinc06837 Posts: 630 Member
    I've heard that if your delivery goes well You can begin walking with in three weeks I mean we have to walk to live anyways so a light walk can be just the ticket. I have an elliptical I have been doing through out pregnancy and look very forward to being able to hop back on it afterwards as well if all goes according to plan :)
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    As I understand it, even if you have a seamlessly smooth, perfect birth you should wait at least 2 weeks before doing anything. Walking would be fine at that point, I would still pit of the elliptical until 6 weeks.
    Don't sweep or vacuum though. Look it up if you don't believe me. It is hard on the uterus that is trying to go back in place if you are raking/sweeping/vacuuming - anything with that push/pull motion.
  • awolf2011
    awolf2011 Posts: 265 Member
    I would consult with your Dr on what is acceptable now and what you should wait on. Short walks that don't put a lot of stress on your body should be fine, but anything above that might be pushing it for at least 4-6 weeks. But it does depend on your delivery.....