PCOS and macro-nutrients ratio

ntatbeeq Posts: 150 Member
Dear PCOS sufferers, i have heard alot about reducing carbs from diet to fight with PCOS.........so i was wondering what is a ratio of your macro-nutrients.??? Are you taking low carbs/more proteins or low carbs/more fats???


  • boxem180
    boxem180 Posts: 63 Member
    I'm doing a moderate keto diet. Carbs: 10%; Protein: 35%; Fat: 55%. This means less than 50 grams of carbs a day and I try to get all of those from veggies and sometimes fruit. The rest is about 100 grams of protein a day and about 120 grams of fat. Thank the gods for cheese!
  • Alliwan
    Alliwan Posts: 1,245 Member
    my macros are 20%carb/40%protien/40%fat and it works when i stick to it. Im lazy somedays adn dont stick to it, or want to eat bites of my families high carb yummyness.

    but i do lose decently, for a PCOSer, on that ratio. its not a huge reduction in carbs, gives me like 80 a day, which is doable because i like dairy and vegetables adn fruit, which all have carbs.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Low carb diets are nearly always high fat, not high protein. Low fat, low carb, high protein is dangerous in the long run, because protein is not primarily a fuel, carbs and fat are, and because a lot of key nutrients are fat soluble. Also, protein causes an insulin response, too, which isn't very good for people with high insulin and insulin resistance to begin with.

    That said, I'm at 15/25/60 c/p/f. It works out to about 75g of carbs for me.

    Most people have a hard time (mentally) adjusting to the higher amount of fat, because we've been conditioned for so long that fat is bad, but that's simply not true. Even saturated fat has been found to be a good source of fat (despite what the AHA continues to claim). So, embrace the coconut, avocado (and not those slim-cado, watered down things), and cream!
  • CharRicho
    CharRicho Posts: 389 Member
    I think I'm at 30% carbs, maybe 30% protein and 40% fat, or thereabouts. I try to keep it under 100g carbs per day. But NO white carbs at all and no sugar, unless it's natural from fruit, but even that I only eat low-GI fruits, and try to keep natural sugars to a minimum.