TS4 Release Day Challenge!!

Hello everyone. I'm Rachel and after finding out that TS4 is going to be released in Fall of 2014, I'd like to start a year challenge that stops the day of the release date. I've been an avid fan of the Sims franchise since its release in 2001. I am 28 going on 29 in March, and by the time of TS4 release, I will be going on 30 four short months after. Yikes! I've always promised that I would get in shape by 30 and playing TS4 would be one of the greatest rewards.

I have a goal of losing 100lbs and since the release date isn't due for another year, I'd love to lose weight and be at my goal by then. If anyone wants to join my challenge, please feel free to post below. The rule is, you have to challenge yourself for a whole year. It can be whatever you like and you can post updates, etc anytime. Anyone in?