tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
Good Morning Ladies:
We had a great week overall, you all rock!! Waiting for the challenge for this week and who the overall BL and BL team was, but I have a last chance workout for this week, so I thought I would post it. You will need to have a deck of cards. This is what I would like you to try:

***********************************LAST CHANCE WORKOUT***********************************************************

A,K,Q,J=10 reps
2-10= card # equals reps

Hearts-Pushups or chair dips
Spades-burpies (or what used to be known to us older peopel as squat thrust)
Diamonds-Jumping Jacks
Clubs-Squats or sit up and down on a chair
There are modificatiosn for all, let me know if you need them. I would like EVERYONE to at least attempt this challenge. For burpees and modification, please see and a couple of other websites I though everyone might like are and This is the time we need to satrt pushing, we are 1/4 of the way through the challenge and the holidays are upon us. Cmon ladies I know YOU can DO this!! Let's rock it this week adn have a week where everyone has a loss, but that means being accountable to your food (journal, journal) and also completing challenges and getting in exercise at least 6 days a week!! Let's do this!!
:explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode:

I will hopefully have the official challenge for the week up tonight, week 4 official thread has not been posted as of yet.

(Your crazy coach)


  • Tolstoy26
    Tolstoy26 Posts: 134 Member
    This sounds really fun Tammie! Are we supposed to go through the whole deck at one time or over the course of the week do some cards everyday?
  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    This sounds really fun Tammie! Are we supposed to go through the whole deck at one time or over the course of the week do some cards everyday?

    If you can, do it all at once, but splitting it up would work too. Work with your fitness level, if you really want to challenge your body, give the whole deck a shot, if you get a quarter or halfway through and you are in pain or so fatigued you can't breathe, stop and pic up on another. However, if you become slightly fatigued, try to work through the burn, this is what changes the body!! I hope you enjoy the challenge!!:happy:

  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    Hi Ladies:
    Just thought I would give you a few stats to show you how we are doing as a TEAM. Here are the weekly numbers from beginning to now:

    Starting Weight: 2249.6
    WEEK 1: 2221.2
    WEEK 2: 2220
    WEEK 3: 2208
    Total loss as a team 41.6 lbs or 1.02%. I think we can do be better. I would like to bring that to 2% which means as a team would ould have to loss 22 lbs this week or average about 2 lbs per person. I believe we CAN do this!!! Cmon ladies get up and get moving, be accountable and let's get this done!!

  • jesserunsfree
    jesserunsfree Posts: 194 Member
    Good Morning, Green Team, after a rough weekend, and being completely worn out, I set back, and did something that I never ever do. I really rested. Yesterday other than a 15 minute walk to get the mail. I curled up with a good book. Today, it's back to work. And tomorrow it is back to my workout routines. I have a 4 mile run tomorrow, and then again Saturday & Sunday. I was really afraid with only walking over the weekend and then not relaly doing anything the last two days that I would gain weight. But I didn't i woke up this morning 6 days since the last day I ran and lost 1.2 lbs. Now that I feel like my body has caught up with me again, its time to hit it hard. really really hard!
  • FieryVixsin
    FieryVixsin Posts: 102 Member

    Just a quick link for those who don't have a pack of cards lying around.
  • Tolstoy26
    Tolstoy26 Posts: 134 Member
    Congrats jessecpwrs on Biggest Loser, you deserve it!!!!! :drinker: :drinker:

    And congrats Green Team for being the Team Biggest Loser! :happy:
  • Oh_Allie
    Oh_Allie Posts: 258 Member
    I drew all my cards today, but I'm splitting them up, so I'm gonna post them here so I remember what they are! :)

    6 of diamonds
    8 of hearts
    8 of spades
    4 of hearts
    Ace of diamonds
    7 of hearts
    7 of diamonds
    3 of hearts
    2 of spades

    6 of spades
    8 of hearts
    Ace of diamonds
    8 of spades
    J of clubs
    10 of diamonds
    Ace of clubs
    Ace of spades
    J of diamonds
    3 of hearts

    6 of clubs
    J of spades
    5 of hearts
    9 of clubs
    5 of clubs
    Q of clubs
    Q of spades
    5 of spades
    Q of hearts
    3 of clubs
    K of spades
    9 of diamonds
    5 of clubs
    King of clubs
    4 of hearts
    5 of hearts

    A of diamonds
    A of clubs
    3 of hearts
    2 of clubs
    6 of clubs
    A of hearts
    7 of hearts
    2 of hearts

    A of clubs
    2 of clubs
    Q of clubs
    J of clubs
    Q of hearts
    2 of diamonds
    8 of clubs
    3 of hearts
    6 of diamonds

    Congrats jessecpwrs! Great job on being the Biggest Loser this week! :)
  • FieryVixsin
    FieryVixsin Posts: 102 Member
    Grats jessecpwrs! and team green!

    I've done 10 cards today but the night is still young so we shall see. My goal is to do more cards everyday.

    I really like this weeks challenge I was curious how Soccerella was going to form a challenge this week. In the +year on MFP I have learned that I don't have to deprive myself of anything moderation is key. It's kinda funny but after a bite or two of sweets I find I don't need that heaping bowl of ice cream any more.

    That said my vices this week will be Ice cream and Alcohol.

    1 finally note OMG Tammy you are evil for including burpees. I had to youtube how to do them and my jaw dropped then I actually got to do a set! I look forward to mastering them over the week. ouch.:laugh:
  • jesserunsfree
    jesserunsfree Posts: 194 Member

    I was shocked to see that I was the biggest loser this last week :D

    The pre-celebration... 11 days to loose 4 lbs now, and to reach my goal of 100 lbs less of me by my anniversary. But since I have 11 days, i really want to loose 7 lbs and be out of the 250's completely. So tomorrow ends my week of taking it easy high gear and I see in the cards lots of burpees in my future.

    My vice this week is candy, hershey kisses, I'm not a huge sweets eater anymore, but for the sake of my freezer, and my love of chocolate I will eat and burn a few hershey kisses a day in honor of the challenege :D
  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    Congrats jessecpwrs on Biggest Loser, you deserve it!!!!! :drinker: :drinker:

    And congrats Green Team for being the Team Biggest Loser! :happy:

    Awesome job ladies and congratulations Jesse!! WE ROCK!! Let's have another great week!!!
  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    Good morning Ladies:
    I am just posting the summary of the official challenge for this week, you can read the full version on the official thread. Here it is :*******challenge summary**********
    1) Make sure you are recording everything you eat if you arent already
    2) Chose a food item or group of food items that you may like but may not be healthy
    3) keep track of each time you consume this and how many calories from it you ingested.
    4) complete a physical activity equivalent to that amount of calories consumed (ie one can of beer has 105 calories so you run a little over a mile until youve burned 100 calories)
    5) post in your team thread your items and activities broken down by day. While it would be most beneficial to do this each day to keep you on track, one final post with each day separated would be acceptable as well. You WILL NOT get credit for simply stating you completed the challenge this week - you need to show your teammates and coaches what you did
    This means I should be see EVERYONE posting this week. You should be accountable and let's know what you indulge in. My vice is chocolate..ugh..I love it, can't live without it, so you will see a lot of posts saying I ate a 3 musketeers bar-lots of chocolate, lot of empty calories, but not a lot of fat-biggest bang for my buck in my book.
    Congratulation to Jesse for being this week's BIGGEST LOSER and for GREEN TEAM for being the Biggest loser team. That is 2 out 3 weeks. Keep up the great work ladies!!! Have a great day!! I am very proud of ALL of you!!

    (your crazy coach)
  • Oh_Allie
    Oh_Allie Posts: 258 Member
    My weaknesses are Lay's Barbecue Chips (not the baked ones) and margaritas, but I haven't decided yet if I'm going to indulge in either of those things this week. I'll be sure to update if I do. :)
  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    I drew all my cards today, but I'm splitting them up, so I'm gonna post them here so I remember what they are! :)

    6 of diamonds
    8 of hearts
    8 of spades
    4 of hearts
    Ace of diamonds
    7 of hearts
    7 of diamonds
    3 of hearts
    2 of spades

    6 of spades
    8 of hearts
    Ace of diamonds
    8 of spades
    J of clubs
    10 of diamonds
    Ace of clubs
    Ace of spades
    J of diamonds
    3 of hearts

    6 of clubs
    J of spades
    5 of hearts
    9 of clubs
    5 of clubs
    Q of clubs
    Q of spades
    5 of spades
    Q of hearts
    3 of clubs
    K of spades
    9 of diamonds
    5 of clubs
    King of clubs
    4 of hearts
    5 of hearts

    A of diamonds
    A of clubs
    3 of hearts
    2 of clubs
    6 of clubs
    A of hearts
    7 of hearts
    2 of hearts

    A of clubs
    2 of clubs
    Q of clubs
    J of clubs
    Q of hearts
    2 of diamonds
    8 of clubs
    3 of hearts
    6 of diamonds

    Congrats jessecpwrs! Great job on being the Biggest Loser this week! :)
    Awesome love this idea..may be what i do too. We will see!!
  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    Grats jessecpwrs! and team green!

    I've done 10 cards today but the night is still young so we shall see. My goal is to do more cards everyday.

    I really like this weeks challenge I was curious how Soccerella was going to form a challenge this week. In the +year on MFP I have learned that I don't have to deprive myself of anything moderation is key. It's kinda funny but after a bite or two of sweets I find I don't need that heaping bowl of ice cream any more.

    That said my vices this week will be Ice cream and Alcohol.

    1 finally note OMG Tammy you are evil for including burpees. I had to youtube how to do them and my jaw dropped then I actually got to do a set! I look forward to mastering them over the week. ouch.:laugh:
    Sorry but yes I am a LITTLE evil, just tryin to change things up a bit for people. Glad to see everyone is at least attempting this challenge. Awesome job!!
  • Tolstoy26
    Tolstoy26 Posts: 134 Member
    My vices for this week will be soda and alcohol. I am going to try to abstain completely from soda, but I'm not willing to give up my wine so it will be a good exercise to track how much I drink and burn off the calories daily (something I don't always do :grumble: )
  • Oh_Allie
    Oh_Allie Posts: 258 Member
    I guess for the sake of the challenge, I'll just pick something different every day to burn off because I really don't see myself eating chips or drinking this week. Today I drank a medium Mcdonald's McCafe - Strawberry Banana Smoothie worth 250 calories and burned 577 calories walking for 79 minutes. :)
  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    I guess for the sake of the challenge, I'll just pick something different every day to burn off because I really don't see myself eating chips or drinking this week. Today I drank a medium Mcdonald's McCafe - Strawberry Banana Smoothie worth 250 calories and burned 577 calories walking for 79 minutes. :)
    Awesom Allie..I do not eat the same vices every day either. It will be interesting how we all burn our little "must haves" lol!!
  • jesserunsfree
    jesserunsfree Posts: 194 Member

    Ate: Junior Mints, .3 oz = 50 Calories
    Exercise: walked 15 minutes = 96 Calories


    Ate: Kisses Filled with Mint Truffle = 22 Calories
    Exercise: walked 25 minutes = 159 Calories


    Ate: Kissed Filled with Mint Truffle (x2) = 44 Calories
    Exercise: Ran 131 minutes = 9 miles = 2103 calories

    I am saving the card workout for Sunday night, as I need the space to do burpees and with wet weather it will need to be Sunday afterwork. I will use the break room for this workout.

    Thought I would share something with you guys...

    Had an interesting experience on my run... and my blog is kind of my constant letter, a healing place, where forgiveness is experienced for me. Last week on Biggest Loser there was revelation and Tammie shared her story.. so here is mine.

    So this is what I posted on facebook to my friends/family, and in being open and vulnerable I ask you read it with an open mind:

    "When you read this, know it's my heart, make whatever conclusions you would like about me, but know this, everything we do in life, everything we've been through helps define us, I'm not ashamed to say I've done wrong thing, I'm not shamed to say that in my life I have made mistakes, but I know without that wrong turns I have made, I could never become the whole, healthier me. So read... because today, today I was blessed with a bit of truth, that made me feel amazingly free. "
  • FieryVixsin
    FieryVixsin Posts: 102 Member
    Oh noes my vices!

    1 McDonald vanilla cone (no cone) 130
    12oz Allagash - White Ale 175

    total 205
    -1 crazy hike 540

    Hurray :glasses:
  • Tolstoy26
    Tolstoy26 Posts: 134 Member
    Wow jessecpwrs I read your blog post, thank you for sharing. I'm so glad that you were able to hear/experience the truth, as someone who is still working on peeling off the layers that I have built up in my own life since I was in highschool you are an inspiration!!!

    Now for my vices:

    Wednesday: 1 diet soda (0 calories), no alcohol

    Thursday: 1 regular coke (140 calories), no alcohol, burned 347 calories doing Insanity Pure Cardio DVD