Orange Team Week 4



  • dillyg08
    dillyg08 Posts: 993 Member
    Didn't eat anything bad, but I worked out for 90 mins and it felt great.
  • mentalmunchie
    mentalmunchie Posts: 24 Member
    Last week was a discouraging week for me. It was the first time I gained in the 2 months that I've been back on MFP. This week my goal is to take off the weight I gained last week plus a little extra. Mondays are usually my days where I eat the worst food so I will probably plan a big workout Monday to burn off anything bad I plan to eat. I walk my dog several times a day but that has been the most exercise I've gotten recently. I need to find something new to keep me motivated and excited. I have a pattern of running all summer training for races and then slacking off come Fall and Winter.
  • BMP9713
    BMP9713 Posts: 107 Member
    Ok so here is my update so far
    I have managed to stay away from my sisters Halloween candy so far this week and have been eating better so 0 calories are owed so far . How are you all doing ?
  • kaylikee
    kaylikee Posts: 68 Member
    Today I put dressing on my salad and figured id work that off. today was highly stressful to me so the rest of the day I ate more than I wanted to. I worked off a lot while cleaning but still not happy with what I ate. but I guess I did what I was supposed to. the goals I posted before have all been met. that's pretty good for me.
  • RaineyLaney
    RaineyLaney Posts: 605 Member
    Nov. 9th

    I had to fight to get to my 1200 calories today (missed it by a few calories even). I didn't eat anything, I should not of eaten again today. My food diary was a little off due to a severe toothache (reason calories were a bit low)

    I did get some calorie burning in though.

    I did mega steam cleaning of carpets for my dad today. Over 3hrs worth and oh I feel it. I put it as cleaning vigorously on MFP and it says 821 calories. I also did 4 sets of 25 squats with 3lb weights. Not sure what that total is and too tired to look it up. Was up all night and day due to this nasty toothache.

    Hope everyone is doing super good on this challenge. And super good in general. :D
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Weekly Goal: Exercise 6 Days
    ~# of Days Exercised: 3

    Weds: No Junk Food

    Thurs: Doritos 140 cals; Cals Burned 619-Running

    Fri: Sees Candy 120 cals & Watermelon Hard Candy 32 cals; Owe: 152
    ~Friday was my rest day. I burned 846 cals on Saturday

    Sat: No Junk Food
  • kaylikee
    kaylikee Posts: 68 Member
    I was weak today and ate a piece of cheesecake... so I walked extra with my husband and son. my husband new I felt bad about eating it because he kept wanting to go home and I wanted to keep going lol
  • Veganmafia
    Veganmafia Posts: 54 Member
    :happy: No cake today , no bread either
    0 cals owed: 100cals burned
    light day today
    :drinker: started my little ginger tonic today
    :sad: weigh in may not be to great this week (:grumble: cake sabatoge on myself) :flowerforyou: but next week will be a lot better... my goal is to start detoxing this week and at least do 3 days*:drinker:
  • mentalmunchie
    mentalmunchie Posts: 24 Member
    Throughout the week so far I have stayed under my calories. Today I plan to go to Panera which is definitely a major food vice. I'm planning on getting broccoli cheddar soup and a grilled cheese which according to Panera is 660 calories. Today I ran on the treadmill for 30 minutes and burned a little over 300 calories and burned another 300 on the elliptical. I plan to walk my dog and maybe get in some squats or crunches to burn a few extra calories to make sure my Panera meal is completely burned off.
  • kaylikee
    kaylikee Posts: 68 Member
    Tiring day. had one and a half hot dogs at supper. Walked and cleaned extra to cover. I only planned to eat one then my son didn't finish his. whoops...
  • mrsjas2000
    mrsjas2000 Posts: 908 Member
    I didn't do very good with the food challenge, eating on the run a lot this week, between my son's hockey and daughters dance, I need to prepare meals in advance so I don't eat so bad, made lasagne tonight so that should be good for a couple of meals but have no clue how to log it.
  • BMP9713
    BMP9713 Posts: 107 Member
    I didn't do very good with the food challenge, eating on the run a lot this week, between my son's hockey and daughters dance, I need to prepare meals in advance so I don't eat so bad, made lasagne tonight so that should be good for a couple of meals but have no clue how to log it.

    Don't worry I didn't do well on the food challenge either. I cut out the candy like I wanted to but it is hard for me to log everything bc I forget to log it if I'm not able to add it to my diary right away.
  • BMP9713
    BMP9713 Posts: 107 Member
    Today I stayed away from the candy but I did an awful lot of activities anyways bc this is the first day I actually felt well enough to do so. The only thing that counts tho is the walking that I did today since I don't think cleaning counts this week lol. So I guess I only really burned 195 calories with actual exercise. And starting to feel crapy again. Af is in town and is killing me.
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Weekly Goal: Exercise 6 Days
    ~# of Days Exercised: 5

    Weds: No Junk Food

    Thurs: Doritos 140 cals; Cals Burned 619-Running

    Fri: Sees Candy 120 cals & Watermelon Hard Candy 32 cals; Owe: 152
    ~Friday was my rest day. I burned 846 cals Hiking on Saturday

    Sat: No Junk Food

    Sun: Cake, Cookies & Candy~ Owe 950 Cals; Burned 195 cals Walking
    Remaining Cals Owed Burned on Monday (see below)- 755 Cals

    Mon: Doritos~Owe 70 Cals; Burned 868 Cals-Elliptical & Strength Training

    *All Junk Food Cals have been worked off this week
  • RaineyLaney
    RaineyLaney Posts: 605 Member
    I have stuck to what I should eat... no indulgences at all. A couple days have been a little under the 1200 calories, but over 1000 due to an abscessed tooth.

    On the exercise field, I have done/worked out every day so am burning calories. Some (most) of the days I listed previously here, but was super busy over all this weekend and just haven't had time to list everything.