Trying to Figure out the right calorie amount

Hi ladies,

I'm new to my fitness pal and am trying to figure out the right amount of calories to eat while nursing. My baby is 7 months, she is really resisting solids, therefore she is mostly exclusively breastfed. I'm a jazzercise instructor, which burns on average 600 calories, six times a week. For my age and weight I'm suppose to be eating 1590 calories. I don't want to eat back my exercise calories (I've never lost weight eating those calories, nursing or not), but should I eat back some of the nursing calories? If so, how many? Do you think 1800 is a good amount? I'd love some feedback. Thanks in advance! ????


  • Jshoellsavage
    Jshoellsavage Posts: 1 Member
    I also need help with this! I am not sure how many calories to add while I'm trying to lose while nursing? I don't want to mess up my milk supply.
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 913 Member
    I speak from experience when I say start high and watch your milk supply and cut a little at a time to see what happens. I made the mistake of starting low (which for me was 2500 calories) and my milk supply tanked and never fully recovered. So, I would do the 1590 + 500 for nursing = 2090 at a MINIMUM and give it a few weeks and see where you are. This is not a process you want to rush if you want to ensure your milk supply stays up, especially since you are exercising so much. If you find after a few weeks that you're maintaining, then cut back by 100 calories and see what happens. If you choose to eat 1590 now, and you burn 600 through exercise and 500 through nursing, that gives your body 490 calories to function...If I could go back I would kick myself for not protecting my milk supply better.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    ^I agree 100%!
  • walleyclan1
    walleyclan1 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I would eat the 1590 + 500-600 for nursing at a minimum but I would also consider eating back half of exercise calories. Try it for a few weeks and then slowly adjust down if needed.