
When you don’t eat your blood sugar level drops, and you feel hungry. Your body automatically will crave sugar. Isn't this the truest statement ever! I mean geesh! When you don't eat a balanced diet your bound to want a donut! And not to mention sugar goes straight to my belly!

This week I didn't do to well on not eating sugar. I ate 2 mini cupcakes at a fashion event last night. The taste was amazing but I new I made a mistake. The moment you slack off it makes it harder to get back on track. I don't need to welcome fatty back in and fuel her power over me. I need will power! I need to control my appetite.

I know that I need a well balanced diet because when i don't eat, I snack and that is what makes it more difficult to lose the weight!

How do you keep from indulging in to many sweets? I know for me it's all about keeping healthy snacks available during the day and not skipping meals. It's all about having a plan and sticking to it!


  • jennegan1
    jennegan1 Posts: 677 Member
    Hi there :) I just started a group yesterday my self and I did a topic on sugar my self. It was mainly about how to cut back on sugar in general on a overhaul. Dont feel bad and beat your self up, in the past week Ive had Halloween Candy and after 3 days I stopped eating it. But this week we had company come over for dinner and the one lady brought canolis and I very rarely eat any sweets after dinner let alone canolis, that about once a year. But I had to have one which I did and well I didnt feel too bad just got to remember to take it one day at a tiime