Say hello, I dont bite unless you ask lol

fififush Posts: 2 Member
Hey guys I wanted to introduce myself. I am a 26 years old single mom. I work and go to school. (Associates degree in Liberal Arts) I have a 4 year old daughter and before her I had dropped 100 pounds in 6 months threw low carb eating and exercising (ALOT!!!) I went from 265pd to 165pd and eventually to 155pd and kept it off for over 2 years. Then one day prince charming knocked me up and we decided to have our little princess. During my pregnancy I didn't really gained much weight during my pregnancy (maybe 20 pounds or so) I gave birth to a healthy princess and everything was OK. After my pregnancy I was completely slacking on my diet and exercises and with being a mommy a full time student and full time employee I gave in to a LOT of temptations. I went up to 200 to 210pds at my heaviest. Then, came the fall out, me and the "king" didn't really agreed on a lot of things anymore and our kingdoms parted ways.... I dropped 30 pounds being that I wasn't catering to anyone other then me and my princess and motivated with new adventures in mind. I am 170 pounds right now. I plan on going down to 150 and tone up tone up tone up! Luckily enough I have very little sagging skin almost nothing really, tho the stretch marks are there on my arms and stomach ;( YUP! I bare the battle scars of being obese tho they have improved A LOT with all the lotions and other things I have tried on them. Toning up and building mass should help a lot tho.


  • littleburgy
    littleburgy Posts: 570 Member
    Hi! This came up on MFP when I was logged in for some reason and piqued my interest as I've flirted with candida/skin care diets because I have annoying eczema. And when I HAVE done the candida diet, it seems to improve when I do. My dermatologist seems skeptical about diet and skin but I think there is something to it, I just haven't fully tapped into it yet.

    I think once I'm in a more stabilized weight situation I'd be curious to find out more about candida again.