Whoa, Nelly! (Poops after adding solids)

RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
After having a child who got mostly formula, then all formula, BF baby poop was like a dream. Sure, it's gross, and it doesn't smell good, but it's not horrendous smelling, and its texture is easy to clean up.

My 5.5-month-old has been on solids for a week and a half now. He did so well on the rice cereal that, after waiting the requisite number of days to check for allergies, I started on veggies. Squash was the first, which made his poops a little thicker and a little stinkier. His latest food is sweet potatoes and OH MY LORD we have gotten to the poops that are sticky and so pungent that the odor lingers on his clothes, requiring me to change his clothes.

Who knew half a stage 1 pouch once a day could make such a difference? Holy cow! I thought it was formula last time. I was so lucky that I rarely had to change an outfit after a poop, and now it's kind of a given :-/

Anyone else shocked by this?


  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    Wait for the meat and dairy ;)
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Wait for the meat and dairy ;)

    LOL this made me laugh. Not looking forward to smelly diaper days.
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    Wait for the meat and dairy ;)

    ...and (slightly) spicy foods! My little lady loves our vegetarian chili, and chicken taco coup recipes. Those poops can be rank! Stew is bad, too, probably from the beef.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Oh, I know it gets worse. I pray to God every day that my older son will want to poop on the potty someday soon. He's like a perpetual stink bomb.

    But I was just mega surprised that we went from EBF poops to OH, HELL NO with the simple addition of 1/2 pouch of sweet potatoes. The color was one surprise, but the smell...

    I guess babies eat relatively little, so that much of a solid food will have a huge effect on poop.

    Is it bad that after three days of sweet potatoes I skipped solids completely today? Part of it was that we were out and about, but part of it was because tomorrow starts a new veggie (carrots), and I hoped for a minor reprieve from crazy poop.

    I don't remember yogurt making things that bad with my older son, but his formula poops weren't all that great to begin with. Meats didn't go over too well until we got to stage 3 foods, which are more like meals, and by then everything stinks, but at least he'd outgrown all the stuff that ends up stinking right along with him, like the bouncer and the swing.
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    Sweet potato can be quite tricky for baby to process and often goes down (and comes out) better when mashed with fruit puree. I often mash it with apple or pear puree to start with. Secondly, carrot poop will stain everything when it squidges out of the sides, (as does banana) so the smell may not be so bad but make sure the nappies fit well!
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    Sweet potato can be quite tricky for baby to process and often goes down (and comes out) better when mashed with fruit puree. I often mash it with apple or pear puree to start with. Secondly, carrot poop will stain everything when it squidges out of the sides, (as does banana) so the smell may not be so bad but make sure the nappies fit well!

    That's so true about carrots! Rose's skin would always stain orange, even if I changed her right after she pooped.

    I had no idea about sweet potato being hard to process. I'll keep that in mind for my next babies.
    Is it bad that after three days of sweet potatoes I skipped solids completely today? Part of it was that we were out and about, but part of it was because tomorrow starts a new veggie (carrots), and I hoped for a minor reprieve from crazy poop.

    We used to have days when we began solids where she didn't get any (probably once a week). At first adding that extra feed threw off our schedule a bit, and some days I HAD to go out at a certain time, so it would just be a boob day, or I'd try to give her cereal later on. At that age milk/formula is still their #1 source of nutrition, the rest is about exploring new tastes and textures. As long as he's getting enough milk I don't think it will hurt to miss having a few bites of solids one day. I think it took us a month to be consistent with giving solids every single day.
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    Another quick note: There are several stodgy vegetables, like potatoes, peas, beans and pulses and several runny vegetables like carrots, broccoli and spinach that may be best consumed when mixed together. Stodgy veg also mixes well with fruit purees and breastmilk. Runny veg also mixes well with baby rice, pastas and meat later on. Babies often like the oddest combinations, so it's good to experiment.
  • Jenny_Rose77
    Jenny_Rose77 Posts: 418 Member
    Lol. I don't have much to add, except, "Yep. Gross!" I am practically gagging every time I change a poop diaper. :sick:

    It makes me sentimental for the breastmilk only days!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Lol. I don't have much to add, except, "Yep. Gross!" I am practically gagging every time I change a poop diaper. :sick:

    It makes me sentimental for the breastmilk only days!

    I can't handle my toddler's poops. Those things are VILE. He loves to sit on the potty but doesn't understand what he needs to do. I cannot wait for the day he poops in the toilet instead. I don't care how many trips to the bathroom we have if it means I don't have to change a poopy diaper ever again! (Though I'm sure there will be some poopy pants, unfortunately, in the interim.)