Tuesday - WEEK 4

Hi - it looks like after my holiday "falling off the bandwagon", I'm back on course again!

Start 142lb
Last week 136lb
This week 132lb

4lb lost - so happy! I have started running too. It's been quite hard the first few times, but a fortnight later with a bit of persistence, it's actually quite enjoyable now. Looking forward to seeing everyone else's successes.

New Zealand


  • fitKT2B
    fitKT2B Posts: 39 Member
    Great job Sarah!

    I am up .5 lbs this week but am not worried about it. I still have time to lose the 4 lbs by Christmas. My goal for this week is to commit to the gym and to cut out the junk that crept in because of Halloween:tongue:

    Start weight 178
    Current Weight 169
    Goal for Christmas 165
    Final goal 155

    Good luck everyone.