Injuries and set backs...blah

Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
I've decided to make myself a test case. Hi, I'm Tim Garmany, I'm 47 years old. I had my left knee(torn menisus) repaired and in a few weeks will have the right shoulder rotator cuff repaired(tore all the tendons loose). I love sports, love working out with my friends. My new love is Crossfit (most bad *kitten* people on the planet right now). They say you're getting older Tim or maybe you should take it easy now that you're 47. I call BS on it. I told the doc to keep me in the game I'm not done yet. People ask me why do all this. I say because I want it, haven't you ever wanted to do something but never followed through. Why did the first guy climb Mt.Everest? He said because its there. Why do you sit on the couch all the time? Get up and do something, when is the last time you just walked for the sake of walking. Just lettin ya know Ron Ortiz, I'm coming for ya!


  • AZ_Gato
    AZ_Gato Posts: 1,270 Member
    I have no MCL on my right knee, need a full knee reconstruction on m left one...but I am not going to stop. Keep on killing it!
  • DaddyM1
    DaddyM1 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi Tim. I'm not sure what the intent of your post is, but I like your spirit.

    I'm 44 and in CrossFit. I do find myself struggling with repeated injuries to certain areas of my body, shoulders, knees, lower back, but this is something that I've dealt with since way before joining a box.

    Actually, I think I've been able to manage my weak areas much better since I've started my journey. I think a lot of it has to do with learning good technique for some of the things I've been doing for a while, like deadlifts.

    Something that is new for me is dealing with muscle pain (not soreness). Soreness is an old friend. I know what that is. These are minor injuries that I'm sustaining from pushing too hard, too fast. I'm nursing a glute injury after a particularly squat heavy week.

    I'm having to learn that when the coach tell you to scale back, put pride aside and do it. :)

    Anyway, I'm glad to see another "master" class athlete in the mix. Keep it up.

  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    My intent was motivation for me and others. Just because your getting older doesn't mean you have to quit the physical things that you like to do. My back ground was power lifting, and other sports. Yeah, I wore the joints and things out but my spirit is still alive and wanting more. Young people get injured and have set backs too and they push on. Its not an age thing. Its an active thing,lol. *kitten* happens to all ages. My form was terrible when I did power lifting because I had no one to teach me the correct way. I love crossfit and its helped me in many ways. My form is better, my health is better and my mind is better.

    Bottom line is don't let age or injuries stop you. Age is just a number, I know guys way older than me kicking @ss in the gym,playing sports and crossfit. I was amazed watching the Crossfit masters on youtube. People in their 60's whooping @ss. Injuries I work around or get them fixed. But I'm not gonna quit.

  • DaddyM1
    DaddyM1 Posts: 18 Member
    Hoorah! I hear you brother and I second that EMOTION!

    Keep fighting.

  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    My intent was motivation for me and others. Just because your getting older doesn't mean you have to quit the physical things that you like to do. My back ground was power lifting, and other sports. Yeah, I wore the joints and things out but my spirit is still alive and wanting more. Young people get injured and have set backs too and they push on. Its not an age thing. Its an active thing,lol. *kitten* happens to all ages. My form was terrible when I did power lifting because I had no one to teach me the correct way. I love crossfit and its helped me in many ways. My form is better, my health is better and my mind is better.

    Bottom line is don't let age or injuries stop you. Age is just a number, I know guys way older than me kicking @ss in the gym,playing sports and crossfit. I was amazed watching the Crossfit masters on youtube. People in their 60's whooping @ss. Injuries I work around or get them fixed. But I'm not gonna quit.


    Totally agree Zilla. I am 43 and will be 44 in six months. I'm about 3-4 months into Crossfit and am loving it. The biggest thing I've found to avoid injuries is that I need to make sure I warm up thoroughly and also have to throttle back (just a bit) my natural competitive instincts a few times to make sure I'm staying safe, lifting with good form etc.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    In for the bad assery despite less than ideal circumstances!!

    I'm currently dealing with a stress fracture in my heel but have continued to CF three times a week. My coach has been awesome about helping me modify workouts so that I can keep kicking *kitten* while my injury heals.