Green Team- Week 5



  • Tolstoy26
    Tolstoy26 Posts: 134 Member
    Just finished the last chance workout...great job coming up with it Tammie, my legs are on fire!!
  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    Weight: 250

    Not a bug loss but after 2 weeks of big losses I'll take it!
    That's a good weight loss and I would expect you to start leveling out now. Have a great anniversary!!:flowerforyou:

  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    Good evening Ladies:
    Thanks to all that have gotten their weights in, but I am missing quite a few. We did lose one lady last week. i hoping the rest of us stick through. I know that we will all have good and bad weeks, please do not get discouraged if your weight goes up or stays the same, that is what we are here for, to encourage you. We are all human and things happen., I am up this week, but I am waiting for the morning praying it will be down a little. i hit the gym and did an hour on the elliptical and then walked for a 1/2 hour burning just under 1000 calories, but you can't make up for a whole week in two days and I know that. So I am just going to keep pushing forward and know that I will get there.
    My knee would not let me do LAST CHANCE WORKOUT, but for those of who did..AWESOME!!! I am going to fit in next week along with another one!! Have a great night ladies. I will be sending emails to all who have not weighed in. Keep rocking ladies!!


  • Oh_Allie
    Oh_Allie Posts: 258 Member
    I already sent a message to Tammie, but figured I should post here, too. There was no change in my weight this week. I started out the week slowly after falling off the wagon a bit and struggled with the same 2 pounds all week. I'm back on track now with a new workout plan (30-day shred + Ripped in 30 + treadmill walking) and I'm excited for the new week!

    Good job everyone!
  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    I already sent a message to Tammie, but figured I should post here, too. There was no change in my weight this week. I started out the week slowly after falling off the wagon a bit and struggled with the same 2 pounds all week. I'm back on track now with a new workout plan (30-day shred + Ripped in 30 + treadmill walking) and I'm excited for the new week!

    Good job everyone!
    Stay positive Allie. You will get there. Start of slow and build, you may be trying to do too much too fast and trust me your body will hate you for it. Push a little past your limits, but don't hurt yourself. It will all eventually catch up. I have found on my journey that any time I change up a plan whether exercise or diet, it takes my body about a month to catch up, so give yourself a month. Track measurements as well as weight. Have a great week!!

  • Tolstoy26
    Tolstoy26 Posts: 134 Member
    And sexyparti, I made the the spicy chicken stew recipe you posted yesterday and it was delicious! Great recipe for the cold winter months!!
  • Oh_Allie
    Oh_Allie Posts: 258 Member
    I already sent a message to Tammie, but figured I should post here, too. There was no change in my weight this week. I started out the week slowly after falling off the wagon a bit and struggled with the same 2 pounds all week. I'm back on track now with a new workout plan (30-day shred + Ripped in 30 + treadmill walking) and I'm excited for the new week!

    Good job everyone!
    Stay positive Allie. You will get there. Start of slow and build, you may be trying to do too much too fast and trust me your body will hate you for it. Push a little past your limits, but don't hurt yourself. It will all eventually catch up. I have found on my journey that any time I change up a plan whether exercise or diet, it takes my body about a month to catch up, so give yourself a month. Track measurements as well as weight. Have a great week!!


    Thanks Tammie! I've been trying not to be discouraged by the scale because I've lost 24 inches from my body in the last 6 weeks and that's huge. The scale just hasn't quite caught up yet. :)
  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    I already sent a message to Tammie, but figured I should post here, too. There was no change in my weight this week. I started out the week slowly after falling off the wagon a bit and struggled with the same 2 pounds all week. I'm back on track now with a new workout plan (30-day shred + Ripped in 30 + treadmill walking) and I'm excited for the new week!

    Good job everyone!
    Stay positive Allie. You will get there. Start of slow and build, you may be trying to do too much too fast and trust me your body will hate you for it. Push a little past your limits, but don't hurt yourself. It will all eventually catch up. I have found on my journey that any time I change up a plan whether exercise or diet, it takes my body about a month to catch up, so give yourself a month. Track measurements as well as weight. Have a great week!!


    Thanks Tammie! I've been trying not to be discouraged by the scale because I've lost 24 inches from my body in the last 6 weeks and that's huge. The scale just hasn't quite caught up yet. :)
    You are absolutely right. you will see a big drop in the next couple of weeks I bet. That is an awesome inch loss, be proud in that!!
  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    Good morning Ladies:
    I am so glad that I waited until this morning to weigh in. I was weighing in at 186.7 all week , which was last week's weigh in, although at one point last week I weighed in at 184.6, but this morning 184.1 (woohoo). I also had lost another 1" off my waist, which puts me at 12" off the a whole foot. That is why I always measure plus weigh because sometimes that scale just doesn't catch up to what the rest of your body is doing. People see inches lost not so much pounds. Have a fabulous day!!

    (Your crazy happy coach)
  • FieryVixsin
    FieryVixsin Posts: 102 Member
    And sexyparti, I made the the spicy chicken stew recipe you posted yesterday and it was delicious! Great recipe for the cold winter months!!

    Good I'm glad it was yummy seemed really good for the cold weather but I'm always up for a soup or stew.

    Weighed in this morning
    last week 179.4
    current 178.0

    A little disappointed numbers were a lot lower earlier in the week thought I was going to make 3 lbs but ol well. Sorry I was late I already messaged Tammy but needed to post here too.
  • jesserunsfree
    jesserunsfree Posts: 194 Member
    Tammie, I'm glad I'm not the only one who measures, despite this week being a slow week for me, I did loose another inch off of my monsterous thighs lol and I'm starting to notice my arms thining out more and more. Today I started a new routine. On the days I don't run I will be doing 77 minutes of fitness blender videos. With the busiest week of the year aprpoaching me at my job fingers crossed, I am so afraid of falling of the wagon.

    I really don't know how to eat and prep for what starts on this Sunday. Sunday I am off, Monday 10-5, Tuesday off, Wednesday 10-5 Thursday 8pm to 2am then Friday 9am-9pm then Saturday 8-5 Sunday 8-5 oh, any idaes on surviving the holidays ladies??

    We have all this week before the week of thanksgiving and I am nervous....

    The good news. I run my first 5k this coming Sunday and am hoping to do it under 38 minutes.

    Thanksgiving morning I am running another 5k as well.

    Its the 8pm to 2am shift thanksgiving day followed by the 9am-8pm shift that friday that scares me, how do i eat for that, water etc.
  • Oh_Allie
    Oh_Allie Posts: 258 Member
    Tammie, I'm glad I'm not the only one who measures, despite this week being a slow week for me, I did loose another inch off of my monsterous thighs lol and I'm starting to notice my arms thining out more and more. Today I started a new routine. On the days I don't run I will be doing 77 minutes of fitness blender videos. With the busiest week of the year aprpoaching me at my job fingers crossed, I am so afraid of falling of the wagon.

    I really don't know how to eat and prep for what starts on this Sunday. Sunday I am off, Monday 10-5, Tuesday off, Wednesday 10-5 Thursday 8pm to 2am then Friday 9am-9pm then Saturday 8-5 Sunday 8-5 oh, any idaes on surviving the holidays ladies??

    We have all this week before the week of thanksgiving and I am nervous....

    The good news. I run my first 5k this coming Sunday and am hoping to do it under 38 minutes.

    Thanksgiving morning I am running another 5k as well.

    Its the 8pm to 2am shift thanksgiving day followed by the 9am-8pm shift that friday that scares me, how do i eat for that, water etc.

    Just do the best you can. Try to leave enough room in your day to eat something between 8pm and midnight if you feel like you'll need it and pack an entire day worth of meals/snacks, if possible, for your 9am-8pm shift. And yes, water. I'm sure you'll do just fine and good luck!!
  • tambam72
    tambam72 Posts: 242 Member
    Tammie, I'm glad I'm not the only one who measures, despite this week being a slow week for me, I did loose another inch off of my monsterous thighs lol and I'm starting to notice my arms thining out more and more. Today I started a new routine. On the days I don't run I will be doing 77 minutes of fitness blender videos. With the busiest week of the year aprpoaching me at my job fingers crossed, I am so afraid of falling of the wagon.

    I really don't know how to eat and prep for what starts on this Sunday. Sunday I am off, Monday 10-5, Tuesday off, Wednesday 10-5 Thursday 8pm to 2am then Friday 9am-9pm then Saturday 8-5 Sunday 8-5 oh, any idaes on surviving the holidays ladies??

    We have all this week before the week of thanksgiving and I am nervous....

    The good news. I run my first 5k this coming Sunday and am hoping to do it under 38 minutes.

    Thanksgiving morning I am running another 5k as well.

    Its the 8pm to 2am shift thanksgiving day followed by the 9am-8pm shift that friday that scares me, how do i eat for that, water etc.
    I had to measure because I was doing a lot of lifting and it was making my weight look insane. Trainer said take measurements and you will see you are making a difference. She was right. Try to pack in some protein like string cheese and fruit snacks especially grapefuit (low cal and will help cut the fat in some of teh food you eat). Do not go hungry that is when we bing. Try to make your snack packs up on Sunday. I am going to look for some low fat low cal recipes for Thansgiving to post. I am gong to try to a Thanksgiving dinner that will come in around 500 calories. Have a great week. Good luck on your 5k. I am hoping to a 5k on Thanksgiving too.
