Looking for Friends :)

Hey girlies!

My name is Kristine-- a college freshman--and its safe to say I've gained the freshman 15...or 20. Unfortunately I've always been the chubby girl, so this didn't do me any favors. I had an epiphany tonight, and decided this is where it ends! I really don't have any friends who are committed to the whole counting calories thing so I figured this would be a good place to start. It would be awesome to build a support system that understands the stress of college life and how hard it will be to keep up.



  • Kif2bskinny
    Kif2bskinny Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Kristine!! i'm a junior and i'll have you know there is such a thing as the junior 15 which is what im working on! Ive been on this for a while but ive been slacking off! need a motivation buddy! What are your goals?? how are you going about it? Im itching to lose 15 - 20lbs by the new year!!
  • chelseac1014
    chelseac1014 Posts: 43 Member
    I'm a college senior and I gained weight my first 3 years, so I definitely understand the struggle. I will add you both
  • Hi!, I'm CayCe. I am looking to~30lbs by Feb 1st. I'm going to be a senior in Jan and I want to put the college weight behind me. It is hard because I have hypothyroidism.How are you counting calories? I have been focusing on exercising.
  • Hi! I'm Devin, heading onto ny last semester of undergrad. Ive gained about 8 pounds in college so im looking to drop them (again)