Muscle Imbalances 11/14/13

garlic7girl Posts: 2,234 Member

I learned about this all too well when I hurt my knee 2 years ago. I used to run 10 miles then for a year no running. I am slowly getting myself back in the game. But one thing I learned through physical therapy is exactly what this article talks about: muscle imbalance. My issue with my knee had to do with being a woman and hips throw the knee off balance and I had EXTREMELY tight hip flexors and weak glutes. So we spent 3 months getting them into shape. All you have to do is Google these type of exercises and the same thing the PT did for me.

I don't know about you but now I don't just want to lose weight and just exercise for that reason but I want a MORE efficient body. One that works better. You know like when you put 44K in the gas tank so you can not just use gas but use it more efficiently!

I started doing Pilates because I need strengthening in core and the stretching also helps with my hip joints. I do feel I exercise better when I am well stretched out.

What way will you challenge yourself to be more efficient! And not just 'one-sided'???



  • Hestion
    Hestion Posts: 740 Member
    Learnt how important this is recently!
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    I've been focussing on getting a healthy body (thus why I stopped getting on a scale, it's amazing how much easier it is to pay attention to what I eat, how much I'm eating, when to stop eating, ect when I'm not worried about that number,... but I digress) rather than a "slim" body and one of the first things I noticed with working out is that my knees are the worst problem for a lot of things, probably because like the article said, the abnormal became normal to my knees so the normal function in proper form is what causes pain. So I'm going to look for knee exercises because it's can be really bad going up the stairs to get to my condo and I'm tired of my knees hurting so bad I just want to cry (plus, a few days ago when going up the stairs I felt the knee pain worse than usual and I almost fell down the stairs because my knee let go from the pain)