2Bmeis2Bstrong Chloecats adeluna76

HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member
Please take a moment to pray for the members below. If your name is one of the ones below, please feel free to post a prayer request in this thread, so we can lift your specific needs to God.

2Bmeis2Bstrong http://www.myfitnesspal.com/2Bmeis2Bstrong

Chloecats http://www.myfitnesspal.com/chloecats

adeluna76 http://www.myfitnesspal.com/adeluna76


  • HealthFitNow
    HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member
    Gracious Lord,

    Bless 2Bmeis2Bstrong, Chloecats and adeluna76 with your wisdom and love that they might be equipped to do what they need to do and accomplish their goals.

    Watch over all of us that we might please and honor you in what we say and do.

    In Jesus name,
  • Praying for all)
  • cdgirl
    cdgirl Posts: 158 Member
    Lord bless 2Bmeis2Bstrong.Chloecats,and adeluna76 today.Lord meet each need they have strengthen them physically and spiritually.Help them be all you want them to be this day and to stop and appreciate the little things in life.Help them continue to fight to reach their goals.In Jesus name.Amen
  • HealthFitNow
    HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member
    Sovereign Lord,

    As we celebrate the coming of Jesus, we ask for your blessing on 2Bmeis2Bstrong Chloecats and adeluna76. Just as the Scripture promised today that your Word will never pass away, we know that you have promised to work all things together for the good of those who love you. Give our members the desires of their hearts--both give them the correct desires and fulfill their desires--for we know you want an abundant life for each of us. In Jesus name, Amen.
  • HealthFitNow
    HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member
    On the Eve of the celebration of Christ's birth, we lift 2Bmeis2Bstrong Chloecats and adeluna76 to you, O Lord.

    With all the prophecies and their fulfillment in the New Testament, it is overwhelming to think you care about each of us and yet you not only say you do, but that you know us so intimately you can tell us the number of hairs on our heads. That kind of love and care is so amazing and we give you thanks and praise. Bless our members with your wisdom and grace for this holiday season that we might please you by our actions, word and thoughts. In Jesus name. Amen.
  • HealthFitNow
    HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member
    Creator God,

    We hear your voice in nature and in the quiet. You are all around us and continue to amaze us that you care about each of us. Help us to never underestimate your transforming power in our lives. Especially bless 2Bmeis2Bstrong Chloecats and adeluna76 that they might praise your name because of all the greatness of your blessings in their lives. We lift up many, who are sick, and needing work, and having issues with spouses or ex-spouses, children and grand-children. We place their needs in your tender care, knowing that you will empower them to find a solution. We praise you. In Jesus name, Amen
  • HealthFitNow
    HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member
    Gracious God,

    The story of Ruth celebrates love and exemplifies what the scriptures of the season of Epiphany have been teaching us to be and do. We thank you for the ways that Naomi and Ruth showed us the way to treat others, especially family. We ask that you equip us to emulate these characteristics in our own lives. Especially bless 2Bmeis2Bstrong Chloecats and adeluna76 with your grace that they might be healthy and fit--physically, spiritually and emotionally. We praise your name, and pray in Jesus name, Amen.
  • MissSharon2013
    MissSharon2013 Posts: 536 Member
    Dear Heavenly Father, lift 2Bmeis2Bstrong Chloecats and adeluna76 up at this time. Lord, bless them and lighten their burdens. Look at whatever they may be going through; help them to solve their problems, and keep them and their families in all that they do. Thank you, Lord, for everything you do for us. We appreciate You, Yeshua. Amen.
  • HealthFitNow
    HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member
    Bless 2Bmeis2Bstrong Chloecats and adeluna76, O Lord, will your power to accomplish their goals, with your love to exemplify your name, and with grace to bless all those around them. Help all our members to achieve great things in your service. In Jesus name, Amen
  • HealthFitNow
    HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member
    Gracious God,

    You have given us the gift of life through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ's sacrifice for us, saving us from sin and setting us on the path to the kingdom of Heaven. Thank you for letting us be your children.

    Especially bless 2Bmeis2Bstrong Chloecats and adeluna76, for you know their every need, desire and dream. Help them accomplish their goals and achieve success in the various aspects of their lives.

    Bless us all with wisdom and love,
    In Jesus name,
  • HealthFitNow
    HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member
    Gracious God,

    We celebrate the goodness of your favor. We ask for your blessings on 2Bmeis2Bstrong Chloecats and adeluna76. Guide them as they choose their life issues for health--physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritual and in all aspects of their worlds. Empower them so that we can give you the glory for their successes, even as Paul wrote to the Philippians about his thanksgiving for their achievements.

    Pour out your blessings on them and grant them the desires of their hearts, for your sake.

    I lift up the hunt for the missing Malaysian plane and the survivors of violence in Ft Hood and the schools, as well as the starving millions in South Sudan. Help us rise up to change these things. People need closer. People shouldn't learn their family members are shot or stabbed to death/or wounded. Comfort them, in their grief. Draw them to yourself. For nations in turmoil--the Ukraine and Israel; we lift them and ask that you help their leaders to work toward a peaceful settlement.

    In Jesus name,
  • HealthFitNow
    HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member
    We give you thanks and praise, O God,

    For with you nothing is impossible. Pour out your blessings on 2Bmeis2Bstrong Chloecats and adeluna76 that we might see how your name can be glorified in their lives.

    Give them the desires of their hearts and grant us all your blessing,

    In Jesus name
  • HealthFitNow
    HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member
    Gracious and loving God!

    We give you thanks and praise. Jesus showed us humility and compassion. He demonstrated servant leadership. He shied away from lording it over people. He is our perfect example.

    Help us Lord, to be like Jesus.

    Especially bless 2Bmeis2Bstrong Chloecats and adeluna76 with your love and grace. Empower them to make choices for health and fitness; grant them success in all their endeavors that we might give you the honor and glory.

    In Jesus name,
  • HealthFitNow
    HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member
    Praise God for all your blessings to us,

    We want to listen to you more than we need to talk. Help us learn and be reminded of the lessons at the appropriate times.

    Bless especially 2Bmeis2Bstrong Chloecats and adeluna76. We know that you have great plans and we want to achieve them through your grace and love.

    In Jesus name,
  • HealthFitNow
    HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member
    Gracious God,

    You are compassionate and care for our daily lives as today's lesson showed us. I lift 2Bmeis2Bstrong Chloecats and adeluna76 to you that your compassion will pour down upon them and bless their lives with your grace. We know that you have great plans for each of us, when we are called to love you.

    Empower us to do all that we can and more that we might praise your name with our testimonies. We trust that you will care for us as you did Leah and the disciples.

    In Jesus name.
  • HealthFitNow
    HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member
    Creator God

    We give you thanks for the way you work thing together for good in our lives.

    Pour out your blessing especially on 2Bmeis2Bstrong Chloecats and adeluna76 that they may feel your loving arms surround them and lift them up. Empower them to attain all the things you want for them that their lives may be full of health, fitness and abundance of your grace.

    Bless us all with wisdom and power that we might bring honor and glory to your name as the Bereans and Paul did.

    In Jesus name,
  • HealthFitNow
    HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member
    Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

    Pour out your blessings on 2Bmeis2Bstrong Chloecats and adeluna76. Grant them the desires of their hearts and uplift them in all they do that they might give you the praise and glory.

    Bless us all dear Lord, that we might serve you well and keep ourselves fit and healthy.

    In Jesus name,