Week 5 team recipe voting



  • health1971
    YUM :flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: #3 :flowerforyou:
  • FieryVixsin
    FieryVixsin Posts: 102 Member
    I vote for #2 but they all sound amazing
  • RaineyLaney
    RaineyLaney Posts: 605 Member
    I have to go with #1. Sounds delish, easy, and low calorie. (for myself, I would have to sub out the rice being diabetic), but I have to vote for #1
  • soccerella
    soccerella Posts: 623 Member
    I am so sorry for the delay everyone - I had one of the missing teams message me their recipe, but I had to go out of town unexpectedly and I didnt see it until this morning.

    Here is the meal


    Starter: Butternut Squash Soup with Sage (56 cals)
    Main course: Citrus Chicken (142 cals)
    Side dish: Watermelon and Feta Salad (157 cals)
    Dessert: Low Fat No Bake Cheesecake (222)
    total for meal: 577 calories

    Butternut Squash Soup with Sage
    Gina's Weight Watcher Recipes
    Servings: 6 • Serving Size: about 1 1/3 cups • Old Points: 1 pt • Points+: 1 pt
    Calories: 56.2 • Fat: 0.3 g • Protein: 2.6 g • Carb: 11.4 g • Fiber: 2.6 g

    1 butternut squash, about 2 cups cubed
    1 carrot, peeled
    1 small onion, chopped
    1 celery rib, chopped
    6 cups fat free chicken or vegetable broth
    2 garlic cloves, halved
    4 sage leaves
    1/2 cup 1% milk

    salt and freshly ground pepper

    Peel the squash and remove the seeds. Cut into medium size cubes.*
    In a large heavy pot, combine squash, carrots, celery, onion, garlic, sage and broth and bring to a boil. Cover and simmer on low heat for about 40 minutes, until squash is tender.
    Discard the sage and using an immersion blender, puree the soup. Add milk and adjust the salt and pepper to taste and serve. Great topped with freshly grated Parmesan cheese.

    * The easiest way to peel butternut squash is to first cut the top and bottom off the squash. Then cut the squash length wise
    Citrus Chicken


    ½ cup chicken broth
    packet (1 ounce) 1 Hidden Valley® Original Ranch® Salad Dressing & Seasoning Mix
    2 tablespoons vegetable oil
    3 tablespoons orange marmalade
    4 boneless,skinless chicken breast,halves


    Main Dish
    Heat the oil in a medium skillet. Add the chicken breasts and cook until brown on both sides.
    In a small bowl, mix the seasoning mix, broth and marmalade, and stir until smooth.
    Pour the liquid into the skillet with the chicken. Reduce the heat and continue to cook until most of the liquid has reduced, chicken is nicely glazed, and an internal temperature of 165°F is reached.
    Serve immediately.

    142 Calories, 6 grams fat, 620 sodium
    For a side dish: Watermelon and Feta Salad
    Gina's Weight Watcher Recipes

    Servings: 4 - Size 1/4 of salad - Old Points: 4 pts - Points+: 4 pts-Calories: 157.4 - Fat: 11.4g - Carb: 11.1 g - Fiber: 1g - Protein: 4 g - Sugar: 8.9 g - Sodium: 219.6 mg (without salt)...


    * 3 cups seedless watermelon, cubed and chilled
    * 1/2 cup crumbled feta
    * 7 oz arugula
    * 2 Tbsp balsamic vinegar
    * 2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
    * kosher salt and fresh pepper


    Wash arugula and dry well. In a large bowl whisk vinegar, olive oil, salt and pepper. Toss with the remaining in

    No Bake Cheese Cake

    222 Calories, 17 grams Sugar, 6 grams Fat

    Whip 1 package LOW FAT CREAM CHEESE with 1/4 cup SUGAR and 1tsp VANILLA. Fold in 1 tub LOW FAT COOL WHIP. Pour into GRAHM CRACKER PIE CRUST. Chill in the fridge for an hour. Top with FRESH BERRIES if desired *note this will raise the sugar content*
  • justformel
    justformel Posts: 193 Member
    After trying the chicken parmesan this weekend, #3!! It was awesome! :bigsmile:
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,085 Member
    # 3 sounds delicious
  • RaineyLaney
    RaineyLaney Posts: 605 Member
    I just want to say I am sorry for #5, that it was posted after most had voted already. I know a lot voted for their own team, but I want to say, I was honest on my vote. I was not able to help choose our meal and I came to the voting first (before I had seen our meal on our link). I looked at your recipe #5 and it does sound good. What I noticed is your servings are off per main meal/salads etc. some are 4 servings some 6. So that was part of my vote between #1 and #5. I still pick #1 (not because it is my team), but because it has lower calories, seems very simple/easy (and I love easy) to make. And sounds very delicious. pineapple and chicken, yummm

    May I make a suggestion for future votes on food dishes/recipe's... In stead of having people vote in the main thread, have them message their vote to one person. That way if people want to be fair and see another teams looks better than their own, they won't feel pressured to vote for their team (and not get flack back from that team) It would be annonomous. Just a suggestion. I think all recipes sound really really good too. I do love the butternut soup from #5, but the salad just wasn't my thing (I love salad, but I just can't picture watermelon in my salads.. sorry #5
  • soccerella
    soccerella Posts: 623 Member
    I just want to say I am sorry for #5, that it was posted after most had voted already. I know a lot voted for their own team, but I want to say, I was honest on my vote. I was not able to help choose our meal and I came to the voting first (before I had seen our meal on our link). I looked at your recipe #5 and it does sound good. What I noticed is your servings are off per main meal/salads etc. some are 4 servings some 6. So that was part of my vote between #1 and #5. I still pick #1 (not because it is my team), but because it has lower calories, seems very simple/easy (and I love easy) to make. And sounds very delicious. pineapple and chicken, yummm

    May I make a suggestion for future votes on food dishes/recipe's... In stead of having people vote in the main thread, have them message their vote to one person. That way if people want to be fair and see another teams looks better than their own, they won't feel pressured to vote for their team (and not get flack back from that team) It would be annonomous. Just a suggestion. I think all recipes sound really really good too. I do love the butternut soup from #5, but the salad just wasn't my thing (I love salad, but I just can't picture watermelon in my salads.. sorry #5

    the blame for #5 being late is part the teams, and part mine. I didnt recieve an email with the recipe from that team until almost 24 hours after it was due, and by then was out of town without access to a computer, so it should have been posted friday night but I wasnt able to. Things get in the way, both for myself and for you guys and I know the members of that team would have liked to get things in on time, but just werent able to this time. They understand that and we've discussed how we're handling it since they missed most of the voting.

    Regarding the voting on the meals, it actually never occured to me that people would be "unfair" and vote for their team, just to they could win! I figured people might be more inclined to go for their teams, yes, but that if there was one that sounded more appealing that they would vote for that one instead. I REALLY hope that coaches/ other players arent telling you that you HAVE to vote for your team and giving any sort of flack or negative response if someone doesnt vote for their team. If I see something like that, I think its fair that there be a negative reprecussion for such things.

    In situations like this if you want your vote to be truly annonymous than it can always be messaged directly to me. I thought I had put that in the main thread, but quite possibly didnt!

    As a reminder, voting ends tonight at 8pm est. There has been less than 20% participation in voting for this, probably because its not required, but I hope people do continue to vote for their favorites (and not just because its your team!)
  • khearron26
    khearron26 Posts: 171 Member
    Surely people aren't attacking their own team mates because they didn't choose their own menu....are they? I mean the whole purpose of this Biggest Loser competition is for us to find motivation and encouragement in our exercising and healthy eating. This challenge was wonderful in the sense that it has given me so many new recipes to try! And whether or not my team "wins" doesn't matter at all really, because that part is all just for fun. I have no idea what menu belongs to which team, but I definitely chose my favorite menu based on how tasty it looked, the number of calories, and how likely I am to actually make it.
  • 77chantelle
    77chantelle Posts: 112 Member
    it is a hard one 1,3,5 are a tie for the meal , it comes down to dessert and I like 5 the best for dessert. so 5!
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