belly dance gripes



  • khoshgeleh16
    khoshgeleh16 Posts: 150 Member
    Khoshgeleh - was it Alexis? She's an excellent dancer. I've not taken classes with her, although I really wanted to start doing Unmata style with her. I just haven't got the time or money to do all the things I want to do.

    If RB does any open level workshops i'm totally going to sign up for them. Even if she doesn't, I'm totally going to buy a ticket for the show and just watch her and try and absorb some of her awesomeness from afar...:love:

    It was indeed Alexis! She's a lovely dancer and possibly an even better teacher - one of her drill techniques has become a really important part of my regular practice, which isn't something that can be said about most workshops I take! If you have the chance to take from her, I highly recommend it. (And that's coming from an almost exclusively cabaret/modern Egyptian style dancer, so - that's pretty high praise! :-D)