Anyh 5:2 dieters????

ReniaL Posts: 86 Member
Hello everyone. I have been on MFP for ages but I am really bad in falling off the wagon or cheeting myself by not logging stuff, hence my results are still not great. I have decided to try and give the 5:2 diet a go. A bit scared to be honest as since I changed my birth control method I feel like a food hoover! Today is my first 500 cal day and so far so good. I am looking for people also doing 5:2 for support. Any takers?????


  • I' struggling with the last 10 pounds. Giving the 5:2 thing a try. Will happily share your journey if you want to add me as a friend.
  • Hey,

    I have lost half a stone through the 5;2 diet, still need to lose another 8 pounds so I am fasting today and tomorrow :) I usually lose a pound per fast day so we still have time to be looking good for Christmas :)
  • Bacardibarker
    Bacardibarker Posts: 48 Member
    I've been on here forever and not getting very far.
    This years NY res was to finish the year lighter than before which although i haven't lost much, I'll be able to tick off.
    Next years NY res will be to stick to diet and be a real loser.

    Good luck. How are you finding 5:2?
    Feel free to add me. :smile:
  • RonKay
    RonKay Posts: 85 Member
    I'm on week 15 of the 5:2 diet-feel free to add me! :-)
  • darrenlees
    darrenlees Posts: 65 Member
    Also doing the 5:2 diet. week 3 for me and lost 7lbs so far. Find it quite easy to stick to as long as i dont eat until tea, otherwise i find i crave food too much.

    Do you guys stick to the MFP calorie allowance during your non-fasting days? i do, just curious what others do.
  • ReniaL
    ReniaL Posts: 86 Member
    Well I did not last on this diet. I found that I was too hungry on the non fast diet days straight after the fast day. I am too shaky when I am hungry so this is not for me. Good luck to all of you sticking to this diet - I am soooooo jelous!