Another week of weight loss...

qhiggins86 Posts: 113 Member
So let me explain... I joined MFP when I found out I was pregnant at 8 weeks because the nausea was so bad and I wanted to make sure I was eating at least at maintenance. When I found out I was pregnant, I started out at about 212 lbs. I'm not starting at an ideal weight, as I'm only 5'6". I weighed myself this morning and I'm down to 205 lbs. I'm at the end of the first trimester (13 weeks today) and I see my OB tomorrow.

Did anyone else start out their pregnancy overweight/obese and experience weight loss? I think I'm going to reset my goals on here and start aiming for weight gain, but I'm not sure for how much in the second trimester. I know I should only gain 15-20 lbs for my entire pregnancy...

On a lighter note, who would have known pregnancy would give me the most weight loss I've ever had in a month AND I'm still eating at maintenance! :laugh: :noway:


  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    Haha! Pregnancy can be a great weight loss...initially... My first pregnancy I lost 6 lbs in first tri. Took me until 20 weeks to get back to starting weight. I started 157 lbs, which was 29 BMI since I'm only 5'2". My doc was fine with it, apparently I had it to lose. They told me I should only gain 15 lbs my entire pregnancy and they really only cared about weight gain AFTER 20 weeks, until then they weren't concerned about me. Second pregnancy I lost 3 lbs I think. This one I lost 2 before I found out I was pregnant and have gained it back already! (14 weeks now).

    I would say just make sure you aren't hungry. At this point the baby's needs are so small I'm sure they're fine. BUt of course if you're concerned talk to your doctor about it. When I got diagnosed with gestational diabetes with my first pregnancy I had to go on a low carb diet. I lost 3 lbs in a week I think! They still didn't care, lol. I ended up still gaining 23 lbs total despite losing weight twice and not gaining until 20 weeks. I remember the doctor getting rude with me because I gained 8 lbs in a month. It really came in spurts for me. (Second pregnancy whole different story, gained almost 2 lbs a week every week from 16 weeks on. Was horrible! I ate like I was going to die if I didn't shove milkshake after milkshake in my face - didn't have diabetes, so I was able to eat that).
  • stephysd
    stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
    I am overweight according to my BMI. I lost 9 pounds before my first doctor appointment. At the second I had maintain the weight from that first appointment was still down 5 pounds from my intial weight when pregnant. We discussed weight at my last appointment and I can gain 15-25 pounds. I am personally hoping for only a 15-20 weight gain. I did discuss with my midwife that I count calories and that I had been at maintenance, and was looking at changing my setting to gaining half a pound a week for the second trimester. She was okay with that and I have been doing that for 3 weeks now and have gained a pound. Check it out with you doctor/midwife and see what they recommend. I know mine was estatic that I watched my intake as she said that usually means you are very aware of what you are putting in your body and have a good nutritional balance.

    I feel off that I have not gained more and the fact I am still down 4 pounds bugs me, but as the doctor pointed out. Even with that intital weight loss I am still at an overweight BMI and don't need to worry about putting back those 9 pounds on top of the 15-20.
  • qhiggins86
    qhiggins86 Posts: 113 Member
    Thank you both for the responses! I just felt alienated because on other pregnancy forums, topics like "how much have you gained so far?" pop up almost daily and I can't relate at all. Now I don't feel so alone. :bigsmile:

    I have my appointment in two hours so I'll see what the OB thinks. I'm sure she won't be worried. I've been pretty stable at this weight for the last 2 weeks so maybe I'll just use my current weight as the baseline for the rest of my pregnancy.
  • MandyMason7
    MandyMason7 Posts: 185 Member
    I've lost 14 lbs since I got pregnant, I'll be 13 weeks on Sunday. I'm kind of worried about what my doctor may say at my appointment on Tuesday. My BMI is still 26.8 so I'm still overweight but only by 12 lbs from the very highest healthy weight for my height.
  • Momma2CharlieJane
    Momma2CharlieJane Posts: 142 Member
    So let me explain... I joined MFP when I found out I was pregnant at 8 weeks because the nausea was so bad and I wanted to make sure I was eating at least at maintenance. When I found out I was pregnant, I started out at about 212 lbs. I'm not starting at an ideal weight, as I'm only 5'6". I weighed myself this morning and I'm down to 205 lbs. I'm at the end of the first trimester (13 weeks today) and I see my OB tomorrow.

    Did anyone else start out their pregnancy overweight/obese and experience weight loss? I think I'm going to reset my goals on here and start aiming for weight gain, but I'm not sure for how much in the second trimester. I know I should only gain 15-20 lbs for my entire pregnancy...

    On a lighter note, who would have known pregnancy would give me the most weight loss I've ever had in a month AND I'm still eating at maintenance! :laugh: :noway:

    I am 16wks and am still down about 2lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight. I was as low as 6, but I had horrible all day sickness and I was just eating carbs as that seemed to make it manageable. My doctor was concerned at my last appt (12w) that I had lost a lb, but she said to just eat what I can when I can. I go for my appt tomorrow and I'm guessing I'll prob have gained back the lb that I lost. Last pregnancy I had gained 11lbs by 28wks and was diagnosed with GD. I lost 9lbs over the next 3 wks and she was very concerned by that, but I was exercising throughout and eating lots of protein and veggies. I ended up only gaining a lb by delivery. I am expecting to have a gain this pregnancy though and am only hoping 10lbs total. I won't be surprised if I end up with GD again. I wouldn't worry too much just yet. They like to see the gains in the 2nd half of the pregnancy. That's when the baby gets the most from you and they do most of their growing!!
  • ashlbubba
    ashlbubba Posts: 224 Member
    I'm 18 weeks- starting weight 199.6. I lost just a pound or so initially but am now weighing in at 207.6. Eat healthy and don't deny yourself food when you feel hungry. As long as your doc/midwife is happy I wouldn't be concerned.
  • qhiggins86
    qhiggins86 Posts: 113 Member
    Thanks for all the responses... I feel much better, especially after my doctor didn't seem concerned. I've leveled off for my weight loss for now at 206 lbs, so I'll just eat healthier choices when I'm hungry. I've decided to let 206 lbs be the baseline for my pregnancy... although the doctor's scale is never close to my home scale! lol