South Africa girl here :)

Hello healthy people :)

My name is Saliha, also known as Sally, Sal, or Saalie. I'm from the beautiful South Africa. I am a realist, an enthusiast and a poet. I hope to make many friends here, so I will lose more weight lol. It says friends help you lose three times as much weight.

I am super glad I joined this site. In just five days, I can feel I'm eating less because I hate the red numbers that mean I've overstepped my calorie limit. In 21 days, I would have taught myself a new habit of journalizing every thing I put in my mouth.

A few months before I came here, I started taking these natural weight loss pills that contained many Chinese plants. It took away my heavy appetite for food and my cravings for sweet things. In this period I saw that I was losing a lot of weight, without eating healthily at all. I lost 7 kg!

Somehow, in that period of time, I decided to slowly change my habits. I started eating breakfast every morning (which I seldom did before). My breakfast usually consists of oats as a base. I also started drinking herbal teas like green tea and rooibos tea. I drank less and less sugary fizzy drinks and more water when I bought a glass water bottle too. My life was slowly changing. I started to focus on eating more healthy food instead of oily, refined foods and lots of sugars.

I replaced most of my sugars with fruits and honey, or dates. I've always enjoyed fruits and vegetables and so it wasn't hard for me to learn this habit. I've also very recently included intermittent fasting into my week for spiritual reasons and also health reasons. I've been doing it for a few weeks now. Unfortunately my scale's not working, so I cannot tell you about my progress now.

The reason I joined here is because I want to know exactly where I'm heading. I now know exactly what calories to eat, and I feel less guilty about eating that piece of chocolate because usually on other diets, they restrict you very much with specific foods and ways of cooking. With MFP I can eat different meals whenever I like as long as it's in my calorie limit.

I hope you all the best results like I hope for myself.

Sal :)
