Worst enemy

I don't motivate myself enough to work out, but looking past that, I sabotage my self before I even see changes. I don't eat the right foods. I consciously eat the wrong foods because it's easier than trying to go grocery shopping. I live in a house of 7 people, food never lasts. Even when I go healthy grocery shopping, it never lasts. I have my own mini fridge , but It doesn't keep things cold enough to last.
As you can see I'm full of excuses. Nothing seems to motivate me longer than 3 days. I need to change my mindset. I need to stick to something long enough to see results.
I bought a blender, hoping I can replace one meal a day with a healthy smoothie. I'm really going to try though. I have to, I stepped on the scale today and I weigh more than I ever have in my whole life. I just did a work out today and feel like I need to go back for another 4 hours. I also feel like a baby for crying right now.
What are your enemies? What are your excuses? Maybe we should talk about our excuses for not working harder to feel better.