Welcome page

MetalPisces Posts: 261 Member
Hi everyone! Wow, I just noticed how many NEW members that decided to join the group! I figured I would put up a welcome page so that everyone would have a chance to introduce themselves!

My name is Julie and I'm the sole person who started this group! I made it based on a group that I had started on another site where I had tons of success (50 lb weight loss). I am more successful when I have others, and I love to help others as well. Guess it comes with the territory (I'm a therapist for a living). I'm 30, married to my high school sweet heart and have lovely soon to be 14 mos old daughter. I work as a substance abuse clinician for a detox/stabilization adolescent unit.

If anyone has any question about group please feel free to post on here or message me :-)

Thank so much for becoming part of the group!


  • EileenB42
    EileenB42 Posts: 125 Member
    I'm Eileen, I'm 46 and am from New Hampshire. I am a full time Homemaker and mom to three wonderful boys. ages 22, almost 20 and 17. My 17 year old has autism and mental retardation and is a great boy.
    I started my Journey last January when I stepped on the scale and it said 290! I was mortified. I started weight watchers and got down to 274. I then stopped due to financial reasons and regained 10 pounds. I saw my doctor in July and she referred me to a nutritionist. I saw the nutritionist for the first time in september. I was 281. As of this morning, I was 268.8. My ultimate goal weight is 126. I know I have a long weigh to go but I am determined. I do walking and when the weather is bad I do Leslie Sansone's walking tape.
    I'm glad to be here and hope to contribute to this group.

  • Cedura
    Cedura Posts: 184 Member
    My name is Heather and I am 24. I am a full time graduate student with a full time job. I work in a hospital doing data collections on patients. I am getting my masters in Education and have an internship in January. I will be licensed to teach high school English and special education when school is done and over with.
    I had tried to lose weight before and had been unsuccessful and chalked it up to birth control and gave up. But this past summer a close cousin of mine was diagnosed with a genetic heart condition while pregnant. It almost cost her life and her baby's life (her baby was born 4 month prematuee in July and is STILL in the NICU). I realized that could be me down the road. I went to the doctor to be tested for this condition and for now my heart is healthy but I discovered I have blood pressure problems and fluid retention that can contribute to this problem down the road. So at 230 lbs I decided its time. My first goal is to hit 165 and then tone and then continue on to 145. For now I have been successful while on birth control and I am thrilled by this but my OB/GYN has warned me that I still might not reach my goal while on it. If and when I hit a plateau that doesn't budge, I will make a decision there. But for now I am just thrilled the numbers are dropping 1lb at a time.