
Along with weightloss the reason I am trying the Keto diet out is what I read about ketosis causing tumors to shrink and cancer cells to die. While I do not (yet) have cancer I do have a small benign brain tumor that causes constant head pain. A diet that can possibly shrink it? I am in!

My boyfriend is largely supportive of my health choices but he's also a very skeptical man. He was married to a woman who bounced from fad diet to fad diet only to continuously gain weight and become more and more unhappy. He brought up a concern this morning about the keto diet, or rather a series of concerns:

1) That I would end up gaining weight - this one I've read enough to answer him

2) That my skin would get really bad - I have pretty great skin, I don't think this is going to effect it adversely.

3) That this would effect my Hypothyroidism badly. - Hmm. I don't actually know. Google suggests that it might in fact be a bad diet for those with thyroid disease. Do any of you have any experience or know anything further? I'd like to continue this but I'd like to be aware of as much as I can.


  • fruttibiscotti
    fruttibiscotti Posts: 986 Member
    I think you are doing the right thing for the ailments you mention.

    First of all concerning the tumor issue, ketosis diet is often prescribed to cancer patients, because it has the ability to shrink and kill tumours. Go to youtube and check out the talk by Craig B Thompson, president and CEO of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, called "Why We All Don't Get Cancer -- Sloan-Kettering".

    Second concerning the skin issue, again ketosis is the right thing to do as the diet contain healthy fats, which provide the necessary micro and macro nutrients for your skin. I follow a ketosis diet that is 10% carbs, 20% protein and 70% fat. I used to be the person who would slather herself all day long with creams because the skin was always dry and itchy. I would even buy the friggin expensive stuff from France and Switzerland. A week after this new diet, I noticed my skin regained its elasticity and emollient properties on its own without the creams. In fact now I sometimes still apply the creams because I miss their perfumed smell and not because I need to! Also, ketosis helps to clear away acne, because it reduces the inflammation in the skin caused by sugary and starchy foods. I noticed the the skin on my face has not only cleared but feels as smooth as a baby's butt.

    Third on the thyroid issue. Again, ketosis should not be a problem. Check out the dietdoctor.com website, and type "thyroid" in the site's search bar and you will see very good advice from Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt. Probably one of the best sources for biology of ketosis on the internet.

    Fourth, tell you boyfriend that he should count his lucky stars to have a girlfriend as smart as you who has figured it out and knows how to keep herself sexy and healthy all life long.

    You keep going girl!
  • damewendy
    damewendy Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you! :) That's very good to know. I'm 4 days in and gathering as much info as I can find.