blisters, grazes and chafing - do I need new kit? :(

I got some new shoes, identical to existing Saucony trail ones, because current pair not only gritty and smelly from the swamp-like mud they trudge through nearly every day but have also clocked up at least 300 miles (they pre-date my Garmin so can't be sure exactly how many) and within a week both feet are quite badly blistered, especially on the back of one heel but also the pads of each and every toe - it's all so much more painful than I would have expected! Am hobbling around feeling quite sorry for myself.

And as if that is not quite miserable enough my running bras (just like this one: have started rubbing my shoulder blades and have left a pattern of very uncomfortable grazes where they fasten at the top. It's an awkward part of myself to put a dressing on. Do bras only have a certain mileage too, like shoes?

Is there anything I can do to make my existing kit usable, or do I need to go to a running shop and get fitted for new shoes again and maybe an entirely new style of bra too? Thanks for any help.


  • think I will have to make an appointment anyway at the running shop, which can take ages, but on balance which is worse:

    1. running with blisters
    2. not running

  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Can't help in the sports bra dept but the blisters suggest more of a fit problem than anything else. Have you got any of the 2 ply socks? If it's a minor fit issue these can help.

    You need to make an appointment at your shop? (I'd be taking my business elsewhere......)

    Can you cover the blisters in the interim and keep running?
  • thanks Brian

    I'll try covering the ones that hurt the most (how can tiny blisters be so painful!) and yes I think it's a fit issue, for whatever reason they don't fit anything like as well as my old ones despite being same model and size

    don't have a lot of choice with shops, am in the middle of nowhere, I am sure I could walk in and buy some more shoes but I wouldn't mind another gait analysis and you definitely need an appointment for that
  • DavidMartinez2
    DavidMartinez2 Posts: 840 Member
    I got some new shoes, identical to existing Saucony trail ones
    Did you buy the road verson of one of their trail shoes? I tried on the Kinvara TR a few weeks ago and they did not feel even remotely like the road version.

    It sucks that you don't have a running store nearby, if you have a good idea of what sizes you need I suggest checking Running, I have always had a good experience using their website.
  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    Are you using Glide or a similar product? You can use it under your bra straps where they are rubbing. Also on your feet, but I would want to find a better fix than that for blistering that bad.

    Have you lost weight? That could explain the bra chafing. Maybe try tightening it, using the next fastener setting?
  • I got some new shoes, identical to existing Saucony trail ones
    Did you buy the road verson of one of their trail shoes? I tried on the Kinvara TR a few weeks ago and they did not feel even remotely like the road version.

    It sucks that you don't have a running store nearby, if you have a good idea of what sizes you need I suggest checking Running, I have always had a good experience using their website.

    I do want a road pair at some point very soon but these are grid TR something, and supposed to be exactly the same (they are a sort of entry level shoe I think) but the toe box must be completely different inside - this is probably the point at which I discover they still have paper stuffed in them! I'll try them for one more run today in different socks.

    I wanted the gait analysis because there is a pattern of blisters on the outside edge of my right foot, as if I have started underpronating . Just to give me another running thing to obsess over!
  • Are you using Glide or a similar product? You can use it under your bra straps where they are rubbing. Also on your feet, but I would want to find a better fix than that for blistering that bad.

    Have you lost weight? That could explain the bra chafing. Maybe try tightening it, using the next fastener setting?

    no, I've never used anything, always been a bit amused/horrified at people protecting their nipples and crotches from chafing but it didn't feel like something that would ever happen to me! I've lost weight since the bra was new, definitely, about 10kg or more (maybe 20 lbs?) gaining a bit at the moment but don't want to fill out too much more. Will have to look for another style then as these start at a higher band size. And get some sort of lubricant like Glide then if we have that here, although my back is all scabby now. Yuck. Poor me.
  • I didn't need an appointment, it shows how things have changed since I last did this in 2006! It was more like a trip to the physio than the running shop, have never had pressure analysis before. I don't pronate or anything weird so that is ok, but I do run almost entirely on my toes and my left heel never ever touches the ground - while my right barely grazes it every now and then. No wonder I have bulky calf muscles. No wonder I have blisters all over my toes!

    New shoes are so ugly it makes me sad but for now they are comfortable.
  • DavidMartinez2
    DavidMartinez2 Posts: 840 Member
    New shoes are so ugly it makes me sad but for now they are comfortable.
    You don't have to look at them while you are running so not important :P
  • You don't have to look at them while you are running so not important :P

    true! but when you hand over so much money you can't help but wish they were not the fugliest shoes you ever saw in your life!

    having said that, just took them out for a sneaky couple of miles and oh the JOY of not feeling my blisters!

    my back is also enjoying not having loose straps rubbing it